Kroger Trip 10/26
I spent most of the morning putting together my shopping list for Kroger. Today was the last day of the sale ad, so I wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on anything. I usually wait until my husband gets home and go shopping by myself, but he has meetings today and a new evening tutoring job tonight, so I hurried so that I could make sure I got to the store with both kids before the crowds got there after work. I am not a fan of crowds, especially with two small children.
They were out of some things that I planned to get, but what else can I expect when I wait until the last day. Here is what I got:
Shelf Price: $84.64
Sale Price: $63.74
Price After Coupons: $28.35
Price Paid After $25 Pharmacy Coupon Deduction: $3.35 (Savings of 95%)
I also had a coupon for the yogurt that I somehow forgot to give to the cashier, so I should have saved another $1. Oh well, I will be buying more. I now have plenty of pizza and biscuits. I didn't even have a coupon for the waffles, but we've been out for a while. I keep telling myself I was going to make my own and freeze them, but that has not exactly happened yet, and I needed 4 more frozen items for the mega sale...
I wish I could tell you that I have done all the shopping I need to do for a while, but sadly (and gladly) tomorrow is payday and new sale ads will start. If the sales are good, I will probably hit the stores again. I'm so glad I got my coupons back in order.
I am trying to make sure I have plenty of food around because my mom and grandparents are getting here Friday night so visit for a week. That probably means I should stop fussing with the groceries and focus on more pressing matters, like that sink full of dishes over there...
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