Friday Fun: Free Breakfast and Garage Sales
This morning I woke up incredibly early. I won't say I was full of energy, because I had been up incredibly late. But, I did feel like getting out of the house (and ignoring the mess therein). Late last night I had read on facebook about a free breakfast taco deal at Taco Cabana in Texas. I shared it on my facebook wall, so some of you may have seen it.
Since we were all up and rearing to go, I decided to go get free breakfast. They had posted a coupon on their wall, instructed us to take a picture on our phone and show it in the store. I was expecting long lines, but the place was nearly deserted. I had a bit of an issue with the location I was at wanting to honor the wording on the coupon, which clearly stated "one per person not per transaction", but after asking his manager and rolling his eyes at me, he finally handed over two for my girls. I was nice, though. I even bought a second for myself and a coffee, so it wasn't like I was getting out of there totally free! The tacos were even a lot bigger than I expected, and I did not end up eating the extra I bought for myself. On the way out of the parking lot there was a homeless man on the corner, so I rolled down the window and handed it over to him. Hey, I fought hard for that extra taco, and it shouldn't go to waste, which it likely would have in my fridge.
After that, my 5 year old was whining that she didn't want to go home, and honestly I didn't either. I had seen some garage sale signs on the way out of our neighborhood, so we took the scenic route home and stopped by a few.
There were some good finds today. I shopped at 3 sales, and for a total of $7.50 I got all this stuff:
The first place had the little hammer toy in really good condition. It was $2, which I felt was a bit much, but both my girls were having a ball playing with it and we have never owned a toy like this so I went for it.
The second place we shopped had a whole rack full of nice clothes in my daughter's size. I spent $5 on the long shorts that she will be able to wear to school this fall, the jeans with the pink glittery stars on the back pockets (she fell in love), and the adorable dress that she just cannot wait to wear to church on Sunday.
This is her modeling it for me. She even did her own hair. ;)
Then, at the last place we stopped, it would have been worth it even had we not found anything, because they had 3 baby chihuahua puppies that they let my girls pet. They were both ecstatic. I actually did find a nice board game there. I had never heard of it before but it sounded pretty interesting, and for $0.50 I figured it might be fun.
It was an adult game, but my daughter was begging to play it, so after reading the instructions, I decided to modify it a bit for her and discovered it was a great learning game, too! Score!
It is called Last Word
, and there are letter cards and description cards, and you have to come up with something that starts with that letter and fits the description (very quickly for the true version). Some were much too hard for her, like "U.S. State Capitals." (That one might even be too hard for me....) But others worked out great, and she had fun thinking of things.
Even after a bit of frustration at Taco Cabana this morning, I think we had a nice morning. We got free breakfast, helped a hungry man, and found some great new-to-us clothes and toys.
How did you guys spend your Friday?
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