Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A New Month..A New Start For Me! Let's Hear About Yours!

Have you ever gone through a period of time where it just felt like you couldn't get it together?  I'm sure we all have!  Well, that's been me for quite some time.  I told myself at the beginning of the year that I was going to get myself organized, and I have been making small strides here and there.  I've had several great ideas that I have not yet been able to fully implement around the house and it seems like if I get one area under control, it is only by ignoring another area completely.

Lately, I have been doing a bit of work on my blog behind the scenes and doing my best to stick to the schedule I made, and I have also been working on getting my house back in order and some pre-made meals into my freezer.  I have made a good bit of progress in those areas, and don't feel nearly as behind and overwhelmed about them as I did.

However, it seems that I just can't juggle everything, and one thing got drastically pushed to the side.  That's right!  My coupons!  You've seen me get a lot of fresh foods at incredible prices lately (which is great!) But I haven't posted any coupon shopping trips.  That is because, to be quite honest with you guys, its been like 3 weeks since I've even used one!

Now I'm a very "out of sight, out of mind" type of person.  If I don't see something, it may as well not be there.  That's why my desk stays so cluttered, but that's another topic entirely.  I wrote this post a while back about how I prepared for my shopping trips.  In that post, I mentioned that I no longer clipped out all of my coupons, but dated the whole inserts and stored them in a box.

This is still what I do, however, when they were in that box, I didn't see them.  Therefore, I didn't think about them.  As I sat down with the grocery ads this morning, preparing to write a post telling all of you what coupons to use on what sale priced items to get the greatest savings, I had  a realization---I had absolutely no idea what coupons were inside of that box!  I usually have at least a vague idea of what items there are coupons for, but all the coupons I remembered seeing had already expired, and I had skimmed through the newer inserts so quickly before tossing them into the box that none of their contents had even registered in my brain.  So I decided that before I could keep on helping all of you, I had to stop and take some time to get myself together.

So, I grabbed the box.  I took all of the coupons out of the box.

 I sat the entire stack in front of me on the table.  I was shocked to see that there were coupon inserts on the bottom of the stack dating back into MAY!!

Yikes!  This is what I have spent my evening sorting through.  I am clipping out the few remaining non-expired coupons to put into my binder with my printed coupons.  I have already kicked myself into gear and clipped and sorted *those* when I looked up one day and saw this sitting in my printer tray.  (Nor was that all of them...there were many more printed and tossed into the box...=/)

My goal is to get my stack down to a more manageable size so it can fit in here:

This is a new file box I purchased last week at Big Lots for $8.  I already knew then that something must be done about "the box", so I've had this thing for a week now, and have yet to put it to use.  It was another of those good intentions not yet put in practice of mine.  But I digress...

This box is only about 2 inches wide, and it is filled with 26 slots to file things.  I figure that should hold nearly 3 months of inserts, assuming 2 sets on most Sundays.  It locks tightly, and has a handle so it is easy to carry if I ever happened to need to carry it anywhere.

I will file the coupons inside by date and type, and in theory they will be much easier to flip through and find what I need.

You can see that I have already gotten a small start on sorting them by date and type.  I think this new item is going to help me out tremendously, saving me time and frustration.  I also won't have to worry about the kids and pets getting into my box and spilling or otherwise maiming its contents.  My only concern is that once I get everything in there, it may be too full to snap closed.  I will have to post an update when I'm all finished.  *Note: I realize many people have many, many, more coupons than I do and this system will in no way hold all of theirs.  That is ok!  Everyone has to do what works for them!*

I really do feel like I have been making progress towards organization in all areas around here, though, and I think that during this month I am going to be able to truly get it together (for once!).  For one thing, I now only have one child home during the day since my oldest started Kindergarten last week.  Also--I've never truly believed it-- but actually having to get up and dressed and bring her to school has helped me feel more like doing things, so I have been so much more productive around here lately.  It could also be the fact that I just work better under pressure, and since my husband, who teaches during the day, has taken on a part time evening job and is usually gone from 6am-10pm, its kinda all been up to me to keep this place running smoothly, and I think I'm doing a much better job of it than I was during the summer when he was home all day and we all sat around in our PJs.  Those were some lazy days...

I just wanted to share this with you all so that you could see that we bloggers are not perfect.  We don't have it all figured out, and we struggle with keeping it all together just like everyone else.  It is always a constant battle, and there is always going to be something in our life that needs work, or at least a little bit of fine tuning!

In fact, next up on my agenda is working out a more solid plan for my week, so that I am including time to make meal plans (I hope to have time to begin sharing those with you) as well as shopping days.  My two year old is a great little shopper, so I think that she and I will be doing lots of couponing, once I get myself all set up!

I would love to hear about what you've been struggling to keep up with lately.  Leave a comment below so that we can all encourage each other.  I am going to try to post weekly updates about how I'm doing keeping it all together, so you can all check in and share your successes and failures with me!

Here's Another Daily Deal Site

I love getting emails from all the daily deal sites.  Some day's there is nothing that interests me, but some days there are many surprises and great money saving offers to be found.

Here is another one:  DealFind.  It is new to me, but their site says they've been around since 2009!  Dallas is one of the cities on their list, so sign up and lets see what they have to offer us!

One More Reminder: Get Those Coupons Printed!

Today is the last day of the month, so make sure you are printing out any coupons you have not printed yet, as they may disappear tomorrow!

The main sites:

Coupon Network


A few other coupons being offered right now:

Chili's Free Chips and Queso

You may also want to check here to catch any bricks printables you might have missed:

Hope everyone had a wonderful August!  Here's hoping for even better sales and coupons for September!  =)

Fiesta Deals 8/31-9/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:

Pork country Style Ribs  $1.19/lb  *Family Pack  limit 2 with $10 purchase*
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Chunks   $0.99/lb  *Family Pack  limit 2 with $10 purchase*
Split Fryers   $1.19/lb

Corn  4 for $1
Watermelon   $3.99 each
Oranges  5 for $1
Red/Green/Romaine Lettuce  $0.99 each
Red Bell Peppers   $0.69 each
Bartlett Pears   5 for $1
Green Onions  $0.39 each
Lemons  4 for $1

Parade 8oz Shredded Cheese   $1.19 Each  **
Del Monte Ketchup 24 oz  $0.69 each

El Rancho Deals 8/31-9/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rancho this week:

Marinated Chicken Leg Quarters    $0.59/lb
3lbs Eckrich Smoked Sausage  $3.98  *Limit 1 w/ $10 purchase*
Bar S  Franks   $0.79 each
Farmland Bacon 12 oz  $2.50

Watermelon   10lbs for $1
Roma Tomatoes  3 lbs for $1
Corn   6 for $1
Cucumbers  3 for $0.99
Cilantro  4 for $0.99
Plums   $0.77/lb
Green Onions  3 for $1
Cantaloupe   $0.99/lb  (May be good price depending on weight)
4lb bag Oranges  $1.99 each
Bartlett Pears  5 for $0.99

Imperial Sugar  $1.77 each  *limit 2 with $10 purchase*
28 oz. Fabuloso  $0.98
Family Pack Corn Tortillas   $1.29
Paper Towels  2 for $0.88
40ct Foam Plates   $0.99 each
3lbs Rice  $1.69
Parade Charcoal   $2.50 each 7.9-8.3 lb bag

El Rio Grande Deals 8/31-9/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:

Bone-In Ribeye  $2.99/lb
3lbs Eckrich Smoked Sausage     $3.99 each  *Limit 1 w/ $10 purchase*
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast   $1.00/lb
Pork End Chops   $1.29/lb
Tilapia Fillet   $2.49/lb  (Great Price!)--Although I'm confused because inside the ad they are advertised again at $2.69/lb....hmmmm

Gala Apples   5 for $1
Small Watermelon  7 lbs for $1
Roma Tomato  3 lbs for $1
Carrots  1 lb. bag.   3 for $1  *Thursday Only*
Green Cabbage   4 lbs for $1   *Thursday Only*
Yellow Onions   3lbs for $1
Lettuce   $0.89 each
Bananas   $0.39/lb
Green Onions    2 for $1
Grapefruit   3 for $1
Cilantro   3 for $1
Green Pears  4 for $1

Paper Towels Single Roll  3 for $1  (Limit 3 with $10 purchase*)
4lb. bag Rice   $2
Salt  3 for $1
Borden 12 oz Sliced Cheese  $2
Bar-S Franks   $0.79 each

Aldi Deals 8/31-9/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week:

Red/Green Grapes   $0.79/lb.  Sold in 2lb. pack for $1.58
Cantaloupe  $0.89 each
3 pack Multi Colored Bell Peppers   $1.99  (good price to stock up the freezer!)
Tomatoes on the Vine   $0.69 for 1 lb package
12 oz Garden Salad   $0.99 each

Hamburger/Hot Dog Buns        $0.69

Note on Meat*  I have always found Aldi's meat priced high compared to other stores available in my area such as El Rio Grande and El Rancho, where I have been able to find insanely low prices on meat.  However, in the past I have found that after major holiday's Aldi has had an enormous overstock of meats and they have been marked down.  I plan to go next Tuesday and check that out. ;)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Free 8x10 Photo Canvas

Canvas People is offering a FREE 8x10 photo canvas or $50 off a larger size photo canvas.  You will have to pay shipping and handling, which is $14.99, but that is still an *awesome* price for what you are getting!

I've chatted with MANY people who have ordered one of these and say they are very high quality and they are absolutely worth the shipping cost!

If you have any great vacation photos that you would like to enlarge, this would be an awesome opportunity to do so.  Also, think forward to Christmas/Anniversary/Wedding presents you may need in the coming months.

This is much cheaper than having a photo enlarged and purchasing a nice frame for it, and it is much sturdier as well.  I'm contemplating one for my grandparents upcoming 60th anniversary!

Have you ever ordered one of these?  What are your thoughts?

New Paula Deen Dishes Coupon

I just noticed this new coupon available from  I've never even seen these in stores, but I'm quite intrigued!  They are surely delicious. ;)  Go ahead and print it out now, because it may not stick around into next month, and new items are always on sale when they first come out!

$0.55 off Paula Deen Southern Dishes

Monday, August 29, 2011

If You Have A Painting Project Coming Up...

There are a few new coupons for PAINT on I've never seen coupons for paint before, but I *know* it costs a ton of money, so if you are needing to do some painting in the not too distant future, print these off now and watch the Lowe's ads for a sale because they accept coupons!

$5.00 off 1 gallon of Benjamin Moore paint

$3.00 off 2 Glidden Paint Testers

$3.00 off 1 gallon of Glidden Paint

End Of Month Reminder: Print Your Coupons Before They're Gone!

Here's a list of all the printable coupons currently still available on the main coupon sites.  If you see any you would like to have, be sure to print them now because they may not be there next month!

Redplum Grocery Coupons

Vanity Fair® - SAVE $1.00

L’Oréal® - SAVE $1

Newman's Own® - SAVE $0.75

Disney or Marvel™ - SAVE $2.00

L’Oréal® - SAVE $1

all® - $0.50 OFF

Sundown® - SAVE $1.00

Ferrero® - SAVE $0.50

Zatarain's® - SAVE $1.00

BIC® - SAVE $1.00

Garnier® - SAVE $1.00

Nicorette® - Save $7.00

CouponNetwork Grocery Coupons

Save $5.00 on $15+ Participating Household Products

Save $2.00 when you buy twenty or more Yoplait® Yogurt Cups

Save $1.25 when you buy twelve or more Yoplait® Yogurt Cups

$1.50 off 1 AVENT Pacifier Pack

$3 off 1 Multi-pack AVENT BPA-Free Baby Bottles

Save up to $5.00 on a future purchase of Pampers® Diapers

$5.00 off on ONE Philips Norelco 7000 Series Electric Razor

$10.00 off on Philips Norelco Speed XL Series/Nivea for Men

Save $1.50 on any two or more Glade® Automatic Spray Refills

$20.00 off on Philips Norelco SensoTouch/3D Electric Razor

Save $1.00 when you buy two Milk-Bone® Healthy Favorites™

Save $2.00 on two Pup-Peroni® 10 oz dog snacks

Save $2.00 on Pup-Peroni® 25 oz dog snacks

Save up to $2.00 on three or more Pup-Peroni® dog snacks

Save $1.00 when you buy Snausages® / Snaw Somes!® dog snacks

$1.00 off SIX Mighty Dog® 5.5 oz single cans

Buy THREE get one FREE Purina® ONE® SmartBlend® Wet Cat Food

Save $1.50 when you buy two or more Pedialyte® Products

Save $1.50 when you buy Milo's Kitchen™ Dog Treats

$1.00 off when you buy Chef Michael's® wet canned dog food

Save $1.00 when you buy two (2) Milo's Kitchen™ Dog Treats

$1.50 off when you buy any TWO Sundown Naturals® Product

$2.25 off on any Nature's Bounty Your Life® Multi-Vitamins

$5.00 off when you buy any Flexamin® Product

$2.50 off when you buy any THREE Disney or Marvel Items

$1.60 off any TWO Nature's Bounty® Vitamins or Supplements

Save $1.00 when you buy REFRESH® Eye Drops

Save up to $1.00 on Acqua Panna® Natural Spring Water

Save up to $1.50 on Perrier® Sparkling Natural Mineral Water

Save $1.00 on Veggie Patch® Veggie Dogs or Meatless Burgers

Save $1.00 when you buy 2 or more Ghirardelli® Prestige Bars

Save up to $3.00 on NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Morsels

Save $2.00 when you buy Best Foods® Mayonnaise 30oz jars

Save up to $3.00 when you buy three or more Pledge® products

Save up to $2.00 when you buy Silk® Half Gallon Products

Save $2.00 when you buy Hellmann's® Mayonnaise 30oz jars

40¢ off when you buy two Totino's® Rolls Snacks

50¢ off on TWO BOXES Betty Crocker® fruit flavored snacks

50¢ off on Pillsbury® Refrigerated Cookie Dough

30¢ off Pillsbury® Refrigerated Grands!® Biscuits

50¢ off on Bisquick® Baking or Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix

$1.00 off on Pillsbury® Sweet Moments® Refrigerated Desserts

80¢ off on Home Cooked Skillet Meals

50¢ off when you buy ONE BOX Cinnamon Toast Crunch® cereal

50¢ off when you buy EIGHT CUPS any variety Yoplait® Yogurt

50¢ off on Pillsbury® Crescent Dinner Rolls

50¢ off on Fiber One® 90 Calorie Brownies

50¢ off on Pillsbury® Sweet Rolls OR Grands!® Sweet Rolls

$1.00 off on Totino's® Crisp Crust Party Pizza® Products

40¢ off on two Pillsbury® Italian Meal Breads

$2.00 off when you buy any ONE PEOPLE® Magazine

$1.00 off when you buy any ONE Barbara's® Cereal

$1.00 off when you buy any EIGHT Stonyfield Oikos 5.3oz cups

$1.00 off when you buy ONE box of POST Shredded Wheat Cereal

$2.00 off when you buy any TWO GoodBelly® Quarts

50¢ off when you buy any TWO Gold 'n Soft® 15oz Tubs

$1.25 off when you buy any two Marie's® Dressing

$5.00 off any Philips Norelco Shaving Replacement Head

$1 off when you buy any two bags of SENSEO® COFFEE PODS

$2 off when you buy any Osteo Bi-Flex® Supplement or Powder Grocery Coupons

$2.00 off Any Aleve 80ct or larger



$1.00 off Healthy Gums Rinse


$1.00 off (1) package of Vanity Fair Hand Towels

$1.00 off any Urinozinc Prostate Formula

$2.00 off Florastor probiotic

$1.00 off (1) Nivea Sun-Kissed Radiant Product

$1.00 off any Mitchum Product

$0.75 off any Effergrip Denture Adhesive product

$0.75 off 1 package of PHILADELPHIA Cooking Creme

$1.00 off any WhoNu?™ Nutrition Rich Cookies

$0.40 off Yoplait Yogurt

$0.40 off THREE (3) KLEENEX On-the-Go Tissue Pack

$3.00 off Spy Kids, Spy Kids 2 or Spy Kids 3

$3.00 off (1) NIVEA Good-bye Cellulite Product

$10.00 off any Comfort Zone diffuser or spray

$2.00 off People Specials: Kate's Style Secrets!

$3.00 off any Non-Drowsy Claritin-D Allergy

$4.00 off Non-Drowsy Claritin Allergy Product

$0.55 off on any Bagel-fuls (4ct)

$1.00 off 1 Minute Maid Juice Box 10-pk

$1.00 off the September Issue of InStyle

$3.00 off 1 BOTTLE OF 16 oz. BreathRx Mouth Rinse



$5.00 off 1 PHILIPS NORELCO BG2020, BG2030, BG2040


$1.00 off on any 1 Dove VisibleCare™ Body Wash

$1.00 off One (1) Renuzit Super Odor Neutralizer

$3.00 off 1 gallon of Glidden Paint

$1.00 off 1 Renuzit Pearl Scents

$3.00 off 2 Glidden Paint Testers

$0.75 off any Efferdent or Effergrip product

$1.00 off off any box of Kashi TLC Snack Cracker

$1.00 off 3 Kashi GOLEAN Bars

$1.50 off any 2 boxes of Kashi TLC bars

$5.00 off 1 gallon of Benjamin Moore paint

Free Kindle Title On Money Management

I love to read book about money management and how to save!  It seems I learn a new trick from each and every one!

El Rio Grande Trip 8/29

I have recently discovered an El Rio Grande store that is located closer to my house than the one I first shopped at, and I am very excited to note that it is just a few more blocks down the street from my daughter's school.  So, since they had some great things on sale this week (ending tomorrow), and I had not had the chance to go shopping yet for this ad week, I brought their ad along and went shopping straight from dropping her off at school.

Here is everything that I picked up, minus a little $0.25 juice drink to appease a toddler who had dropped her bagel on the floor.  (She thinks the limes are balls.)
11.45 lbs chicken breast @ $1/lb = $11.45
3.19lb of Pollock (fish) @ $1/lb = $3.19
8 cans tomato sauce @ 8 for $1= $1
2 lunchables @ $1 each =   $2
2 packs John Morrell Sausage @$1 each =  $2
7 oranges @ 7 for $1 = $1
6 limes @ 6 for $1 = $1
2 cucumbers @ $0.69 each = $1.38
8 corn @ 4 for $1 = $2  (will cut some into small pieces to freeze)
2 green onions @ 2 for $1 = $1  (will chop and freeze)
2 1lb carrots @ 2 for $1 = $1  (I noticed the 2 lb bag was $1.69 so this was a better value)

Total:  $26.79

I don't think that's too bad for the amount of fresh food I got!  And once again, I didn't even have to use a coupon.  Actually, its been nearly two fulls weeks since I've used a coupon!  That's a bit unusual for me, but quite honestly life got a bit hectic and those got pushed to the side.  I am working on getting them reorganized today, and planning to catch the Mega Sale at Kroger and perhaps even Albertson's and/or Tom Thumb tomorrow.  (High aspirations that may or may not come to fruition....) ;)

This afternoon during naptime, I plan on spending a bit of time chopping up some of the fresh produce in my fridge and putting it away in the freezer for later use.  I have onions (green and yellow), celery, corn, and some melon that I think I'm going to try to freeze for smoothies.  I'll keep you posted how that turns out.

I also did a bit of freezer cooking this morning before I even left to bring her to school, so I will share about that in a bit

Dishing It Up Recipe Hop: Pasta Dishes--Chicken and Bows

With everyone trying to save money on meals, pasta dishes are a great way to go!  Pasta is very inexpensive, sometimes even free with coupons, and has a long shelf life.  It is also very versatile!  It is used in nearly every type of cuisine that I know of.  It come in all different shapes and sizes, and can be added to just about anything for a quick meal.

The recipe I am going to share with you today is called Chicken and Bows.  It is from my favorite freezer cookbook, and is written to make a double batch (one to eat right away, and one to freeze for later.)  Whenever I make this meal, my family gobbles it right up, and it is so easy to put together.

1 16oz package of bow tie pasta (I have used other big deal)
2 lbs boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1/2 cup butter
2 cans cream of chicken soup, undiluted
2 cups frozen peas
1 1/2 cups milk
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
2/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

1) Cook pasta according to package directions.
2)  Meanwhile, cook chicken and red peppers in butter over medium heat 5-6 minutes or until chicken juices run clear.
3)  Stir in the soup, peas, milk, and seasonings.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer 1-2 minutes until sauce is heated through.
4)  Stir in Parmesan cheese.
5)  Stir in pasta and toss to coat with sauce.

Serve half immediately, and place the rest into a freezer container.  Cover and freeze up to 3 months.

I really like dishes like this because they are so easy to change up based on what you have on hand.  Any shape pasta will do.  Any color bell pepper will work.  Any vegetable added will be tasty.  I bet even a cream of mushroom or celery would suffice if you didn't have the cream of chicken.  I've even tossed shredded mozzarella on top when I've been out of Parmesan   I'm very big on using what you have instead of making another run to the store, so I improvise quite a bit. ;)

Here are some more pasta recipes from some great bloggers that I have teamed up with (** means they are part of our group).  Feel free to link up your own pasta recipe below, without the **.

Come link up your favorite recipes for pasta with us! Be sure to check out as many of the other recipes as you can. Please leave a comment on the two recipes before yours. The recipes noted with ** are the hosts.

Have a particular theme you'd like us to do? Be sure to let us know!"

1. **Angel Hair Pasta with Alfredo Garlic Shrimp and Broccoli**  5. **Gluten-Free Pizza Pasta Bake**  
2. **Chicken And Bows**  6. **Butternut Squash Lasagna  
3. **Beef Noodle Bowls**  7. Easy Lemon Cream Pasta w/ Chicken  
4. **Macaroni and Cheese Florentine**  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Pretty Crazy Kitchen Week...

I have had a pretty busy week with Kindergarten starting for my daughter and my mother visiting.  Most of my busy-ness took place in the kitchen.  Oh, there was plenty more going on outside of the kitchen like laundry and organizing, etc.  I was taking full advantage of having an extra pair of toddler watching eyes around!

But, since I had just made a massive shopping trip to buy fresh meat and produce, and because my freezer was still pretty empty, I decided that my main focus was going to have to be in the kitchen.

My mother got into town on Saturday morning, and we immediately left to take my 5 year old to a friends birthday party at the skating rink.  When we got back home I realized that we didn't have time to make the dinner I originally planned, so we used some of the leg quarters I had bought and my mom whipped up a pot of gumbo (she had brought along a jar of store bought roux, so it didn't take long at all).  Plus, my daughter had kinda of instructed her that she was going to cook her some while she was visiting.

On Sunday, we made my grandma's cabbage roll recipe.  That took a pretty long time, but we made a lot and  we all ate them for lunch two more times during the week, including my husband.

That evening, I decided to make some muffins for breakfast the next morning.  I had some soft bananas that needed to be used, so I found this recipe for banana muffins, and added some chocolate chips on top instead of the almond slivers.

My daughter was so excited to have these for breakfast when she woke up for her first day of Kindergarten!  her little sister loved them, too!

That night, my mom transformed the leftover gumbo into chicken and dumplings, by...adding dumplings.  I do not know her recipe for those, but they have always been a favorite of mine.  She was actually having to fight off all three of us (me and both of my girls) because we kept swiping dough while she was trying to cut them.

Tuesday, I really got into cooking.  I made several meals while the little one napped before we had to go pick up the big one.

The first thing I got started was my large crockpot with two divided sections.  I put 1/3 of my pork stew meat into each side, and them the other 1/3 into a pot on the stove.

In the crockpot, I made Slow Cooker Asian Pork Stew and Slow Cooker Pork Lo Mein.  I did not have all of the "Asian" ingredients needed, so I settled for a bag of stir fry vegetables instead.  The two came out very similar, the only real difference is that one you eat over rice and the other you eat over pasta, so I will likely just do this recipe all in the same pot next time.  We ate the stew that night, and froze the lo mein for later....maybe tonight.  Sounds good!

On the stove, I made a Kung Pao Pork recipe from one of my favorite cookbooks.  (I liked the recipe so much that I made a copy of it to put in my recipe binder, and now I do not remember what cookbook I got it from!)  It basically has onions, bell peppers, and garlic sauteed down with the meat, and then a sauce made from water, soy sauce, sugar, lemon juice, cornstarch, and crushed red peppers--I had to leave these out because I forgot that my toddler dumped them in my pantry, but they always complain its too spicy with them.  Serve over cooked rice.

While that was cooking, I got 4 of the chicken breasts (they were huge) into the other crockpot, and made some slow cooker barbeque chicken.  When it was done, I bagged it and put it in the freezer.  It will make a great dinner one night, I will just need to make a side.

The rest of the chicken, I sliced up in chunks and seasoned it up and cooked it on the stove.  I froze these pre-cooked, and when I cook a meal needing chicken, I will just have to thaw them out and toss it in.  That will save a ton of time, as well as all the messy work of dealing with raw meat at dinner time.

All of that I got done in just over an hour on Tuesday afternoon (the prepping part..of course slow cooking took into the evening, but I didn't have to do anything else to it besides put it away).

On Wednesday......we were baking a large pork roast that my mom had brought with her in the oven.  We kept hearing loud popping sounds coming from the oven.  We thought it was the meat.  Then the oven began to beep and blink an error message, and then the whole thing just shut off.

We cut the roast up and put it in the crock pot, so we were able to save dinner.  However, I attempted to make some bread to go with it int he bread machine and forgot to add the yeast to it, so that was a total disaster, and then I tried boiling my fresh corn in some water in the microwave and that overheated and shut itself off for a good while too, so we had no bread and crunchy corn.  It was not a good kitchen day for us.

When my husband got home, he pulled the stove out to try to unplug it and see if it would reset, but it shot sparks at him when he moved it and he found a frayed wire on the back of it.  We had bought this one used a couple years ago off of craigslist, so he decided it would be better to get a cheaper model new one and not have to worry about if it was going to go out next week.

We were not able to go stove shopping until Friday because he was working evenings all week.  Luckily, we had plenty of leftover roast from the night before, and lots of $0.69 lettuce I had picked up on a quick run into Fiesta, so we were able to make do without our stove for a few days.

It was delivered at noon today, so I suppose that means that I will have to start cooking again.  But that's ok because I still haven't gotten my freezer very full.

So, now you know all about the crazy week that went on in my kitchen.  I plan to go out tomorrow and pick up a few more of the meat deals at El Rancho and El Rio Grande this week, so hopefully me and my new stove will have a better week!

I'd love to hear about your kitchen (mis)adventures!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

40 Days of Fabulous Begins NOW! Over $1000 Worth Of Prizes


A few days ago I told you about the 40 Days of Fabulous giveaway series that was coming up, hosted by my friend over at Yankee Texan Mom in honor of she and her husband both turning 40 forty days apart!

Well, it is finally here!  Starting today, you may begin entering by each method on the rafflecopter (as many or as few as you wish to enter).  Each day a different blogger's giveaway will be featured on Yankee Texan Mom, and a winner of that blogger's prize will be chosen from all who have entered by that blogger's entry methods.

You can enter from any of these great blogs that are participating:

Here is the list of prizes in order of increasing value.  We will let you know as we go along whose prize is up for grabs (so follow us all now and be paying attention!) Below it, you will be able to enter now.  You can also find all of this information right on my facebook page under the 40 Days of Fabulous Tab.

New Kashi Printables has a few great new Kashi Coupons available. The links below should take you to and have the coupon already pre-selected when you get there. Be sure to check while you are there and print any others that you may want before the month ends.

$1.50 off any 2 boxes of Kashi TLC bars

$1.00 off off any box of Kashi TLC Snack Cracker

Has anyone tried these crackers? They look yummy! They look like Wheat Thins and I love those.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Free Subscription To Remedy Life + Online Advice

If you are a parent, here is a great FREE offer for you! Remedy Life is offering a FREE magazine subscription as well as many great features and info on their site all for FREE. You may also qualify for surveys or free samples!

Here is the description from the site:

RemedyLife is your online source for information on healthy living. You'll receive valuable offers, free samples, and the opportunity to participate in health surveys and polls. This all comes at no cost to you! Enjoy the FREE benefits when you subscribe (At No Cost) to REMEDY Magazine.

Click on the image above if you are interested.

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