My Survey A Day Challenge: Today I Earned From Global Test Market
Yesterday I shared with you a brand new survey site and I told you that I had challenged myself to begin taking my surveys that are daily in my inbox. I used to take nearly all the ones that came to me, but with blogging and a second child they sort of got pushed to the side.
They were a fun way to earn a little extra spending money, and it was always exciting when the checks came...even if they were for $2! LOL. Really fun is when full sized products show up at my door to test! It's been a really long time since I've gotten to do that!
So I told myself that while my youngest was napping each day, I was going to take a bit of time out of cleaning/posting coupon deals to take a few surveys. Now most of the ones that show up in my inbox, I will not qualify to complete, and those don't that very much time to screen out of. So my challenge to myself is to take the short screeners until I qualify for at least one each day. Sometimes, when you screen out of one, the survey company will automatically offer another to you. That is what happened to me today.
This was in my email:
It took my about two seconds to find out that I did not qualify, and then this popped up:
Note that this one is offering more points and telling me how long it will take. I began it and qualified for it. I'm not sure if it took as long as stated because I was multitasking. ;) But, I earned my 40 points!
Cash out is a check at $50 and it does take a while to get there, but they often offer longer online focus groups that pay point ranges equal to $20+, so those help speed things along.
If you'd like to sign up and start earning points toward cash for giving your opinion, click the image below:
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