Friday, December 30, 2011

El Rio Grande Trip 12/30

I made a trip over to El Rio Grande today to get some of the great meat and produce deals that they had this week.  I intended to also get some of the $0.99/lb green beans, but they didn't look very good, so I decided not to.

Here's what I got:

~ 3 lbs. of Tilapia @ $1.98/lb
~7 lbs. of chicken breast @ $0.99/lb
~6 lb.s of pork stew meat @ $1.19/lb
3lb. pack of smoked sausage $3.99
cabbage @ 3lbs for $1
carrots @ $0.69
cucumbers 3 for $1
avocados  5 for $1

Spent $27.xx

This is the only shopping I've done all week, and will only need to make a quick run into Aldi for milk and bread.  That means I actually have not even touched a coupon!

Now I've got a ton of meat in my freezer, and I haven't been doing a whole lot of cooking lately, so I need to take inventory of my freezer and come up with a meal plan to use up some of the things that I have on hand.

I'm going to try to not do too much shopping over the next few weeks, as my husbands last check came early before Christmas, so the money needs to stretch just a bit longer than usual.

Did you do any shopping this week?


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