Last week I posted a menu, and promised some recipes, and then all was silent. If you follow me on facebook, you might have seen my post that my cold had taken a turn for the worse on Monday night. On Wednesday morning I went to the doctor as a walk-in, and emerged an hour and a half later with a diagnosis of bronchitis with ear infection and a stack of 6 prescriptions to get filled!
I did little more than rest for the rest of the week. My husband instructed me to leave him lists of things that needed to get done and he handled it all when he got home from work. My freezer meals came in very handy because he was able to just grab something and thaw it!
By the weekend I was feeling a little bit better, which was good because we had a very busy Saturday.
By Sunday I was nearly back to normal, but my oldest daughter was not quite acting herself. That night when we showed up at church for Awana, she got sick in the bathroom stall. When I got her back home the husband got sick, too. They were both home yesterday, and the husband is still home today, so my week has been a little bit off.
I am trying to get back into normal mode, while also planning to be leaving town at the end of next week. My goal is to not have to buy any more groceries until then (I went to Aldi yesterday and bought all we should need except I think I may need more bread in a few days and that's all).
This morning I took inventory of my freezer to see what all we had left after my absence from the meal preparation scene (we also sent a few meals to a sick friend). I still have a bunch of ready made meals, but we also have a whole lot of meat that needs to be cooked and turned into ready made meals, but I will be saving most of that for when we return.
Here's what I found in my freezer:

I also got another basket of produce this past week so that we would have plenty of time to get all of that used up before we left town, as well.
Here is what was in my basket:
All of that dark green leafy stuff on the left is 3 bunches of radishes. There are 9 more persimmons in the front, lettuce, grapes, broccoli, yellow (6) & zucchini (2) squash, cucumbers (2), mushrooms, 3 bells, papaya and bananas (8).
I also bought 2 packs of blackberries (gone!), apples, pears, oranges, and sweet potatoes. If we don't finish those up, they can be travel snacks, but I do have my work cut out for me!
Here is my plan:
Monday (last night): We had eggs and toast.
Tuesday (tonight):
Meat Loaf Muffins and
Mashed Potatoes (both from freezer), fried yellow squash.
Wednesday: Hubby will grill 10lbs of marinated leg quarters (will freeze the leftovers) and salad.
Provencal Pork (from freezer)
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Chicken Alfredo (from freezer) and more salad (I had lettuce from my basket, but I also have some growing in my garden)
Turkey Pot Pie
Chicken Taco Quiche
Cabbage Casserole
Wednesday: Spaghetti
Thursday: Clean Out The Leftovers
Friday: Sandwiches and fruit in the van on the road to Louisiana!
That's the plan anyways! When we get back home it will be New Year's and I will have a ton of fun trying to cook my way through all the meat I have out the in freezer!
What is on your menu this week?