E-Coupon Round Up!
Aside from all of the printable coupons that appeared in the new month, there are a ton of new e-coupons out there also.
There are just too many to list all of the coupons out, but I am going to link you to each site, so you can go check out the coupons for yourself and load them up to your shopper cards!
E-coupons that save you money at the register:
E-coupons that save you money later:
Saving Star
Can you please remind us which ecoupons can be used with printed ones and which can not?
Thank you...
The ones that come off at the register for the most part will not allow a paper coupon to be used also.
The ones that give you savings later have no affect at the register, so you should be able to use a coupon no problem.
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