Friday, September 30, 2011
Albertsons Trip 9/30--69% Savings
Albertsons had some really great deals to be had this week! I stayed up *way* too late last night going through my coupons and making my shopping list. For the record, making the list was easy! What took the longest was going through and finding any that I *might* want to use that were expiring today. I always like to take those along just in case there is an unadvertised deal!
Here is everything I got today (click to enlarge):
Total Sale Price: $55.90 (Minus $10 for buying two sets of Mega items = $45.90)
Price Paid After Coupons: $27.92 69% Savings
I actually did this in two transactions. In my first transaction, I bought only the three boxes of cereal at 3 for $7. I had a $0.50/1 for each which doubled, so I paid just $4 for the three boxes of cereal. Then, I received my coupon for FREE milk that I was able to use on my milk in my second transaction. However, my milk cost $2.89. The coupon that printed was for $3.75 off, and the full amount deducted, making the milk a moneymaker.
That mean's that I pretty much paid just $3.14 total for everything pictured below. That averages out to just $1.05 per box of cereal (instead of the $1.25 I thought I would be paying), plus FREE milk.
I intended to use up a few more of my expiring coupons, however the bisquick was a smaller box than I thought it was, so I bought only 3 (I had 5 coupons). I also wanted to buy the squeezable Welch's grape jelly, but the shelf had been cleared. I had 5 coupons for that item as well, (plus we were out!), but I used just 2 on the larger jars.
I did find another FREEBIE while I was there, as well. The small Gain dish detergents were just $0.99 everyday price. I had 3 $0.50/1 coupons that doubled, so I picked up a few of those for FREE.
The only items on my "need" list this week were milk and bread, so I went ahead and grabbed the bread while I was there, and will not be making my normal Aldi trip this week.
I think this was a pretty successful shopping trip overall. Nearly everything I wanted was in stock, and what wasn't had a substitute available that I could still use my coupon for. I grabbed an extra peanut butter to make up for the Kid's Compleats that was NOT included, but $0.99 is a great price for peanut butter anyway!
I even had a friendly, coupon using cashier (the grumpy one that had the express lane open called her over from the service desk when she saw me), and my little helper was well behaved.
Here she is showing off my receipt that was as tall as she was.
I find Albertsons to be a bit more costly than Kroger was, but I don't think it is going to be a bad alternative since Kroger stopped doubling. I'm sure to be shopping there more and more!
How did your shopping go this week?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Sunday Coupon Preview For 10/2
90% Off At!!! $25 Certificates For As Low As $1
This is my absolute favorite sale of the year! Last year I grabbed a few of these (and I never did get a chance to use them all, sadly), but I have just picked up 4 more this morning, and spent just $5! I got two for out new favorite Italian Restaurant, Pizza Ghetti (their price had gone up to $15, so I paid $1.50 for these, but we love it), and two to a place that is just a block from our house that we have never tried!
If you've never tried, now is the perfect opportunity to do so.
Here's what you do:
1. Click the link above.
2. Enter your zip code.
3. Choose the restaurant(s) you would like to visit. Even if you've never heard of them, give them a shot! You may find a new favorite.
4. Enter Code "WOW" at the checkout, and your 90% savings will be reflected in your cart.
The site is running a bit slow today because this is a once a year promotion, and lasts today only!
Hurry over and get yours NOW!
New Campbell's Condensed Soup Coupon
Here is a brand new coupon this morning:
$0.40 off any (3) Campbell's Condensed Soups
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Latest Coupons, And End Of Month Print Reminder
It is nearly the end of the month, so if there are any coupons on that you haven't printed yet, be sure to do so now.
Here is a list of the latest coupons that they have released, so if there art any you've missed, make sure you grab them and hang onto them for a sale. Remember that timing is the key to effective couponing!
New Silk Facebook Coupon + Albertsons Deal
As soon as I posted the long list of Albertsons Deals for this week, I hopped over to facebook and saw this new $1.25 Silk Printable.
These are on sale at Albertsons this week for just $2.49 as part of the Mega Sale, so this coupon makes them just $1.25 (assuming you buy 10 participating items).
I'm kinda of obsessed with the dark chocolate almond milk now, so I'm pretty excited about this one!
I will update the Albertsons Deals post to include this deal as well.
Mission Artisan Tortillas $0.49 At Tom Thumb
I"m about to start working on all the Tom Thumb match-ups, but this one stood out to me.
Use $1.00/1 Printable to get them for just $0.49 each!
These sound delicious, so I can't wait to try them! Read more...
Albertsons Deals 9/28-10/4
There are some really great deals to be had at Albertsons this week.
Chicken Breast $1.68/lb
Assorted Pork Loin Chops $1.98/lb
Gala Apples $0.88/lb
Lemons/Limes 5 for $1
Mega Sale Items (Buy 10, Save $5, Buy 20, Save $10, etc.)
*Prices based on buying multiples of 10 participating items*
Planters Peanut Butter $0.99* Use $0.75/1 from 8/21 SS = $0.24 each (exp. 10/2)
Hormel Compleats $1.49* Use $1/1 Kids printable (no longer available) If included = $0.49
Herdez Salsa $0.99*
C & H Sugar 4lb $1.99* Use $0.65/1 from 8/28 RP = $1.34 (Sugar is up to $2.19 at Aldi)
Yogurt (Yoplait Greek, Athenos Greek, Activia Greek Or French) $0.79*
--Use $0.30/1 Yoplait Greek Printable (It *is* still available) *triples* = FREE
--Use $0.50/2 Yoplait Greek from 8/14 SS *doubles* = $0.29 each
--Use $1/3 Activia Selects from 9/11 SS = .46 each
Kraft Salad Dressing $1.49*
Silk $2.49* Use *NEW* $1.25/1 printable = $1.24.
Free Milk:
*Buy 3 Participating General Mills Cereals/Fruit Snacks @ 3 for $7, get a coupon for FREE Milk.
Cheerios 8.9oz
Multi Grain Cheerios 9oz
Trix 10.7 oz
Golden Grahams 12 oz
Lucky Charms 11.5oz
Cocoa Puffs 11.8 oz (Brownie Crunch Pictured)
Total 10.6 oz
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks
--Use Coupons from 8/7 GM insert
Bisquick $1.79 Use $0.50/1 from 8/7 GM (doubles) = $0.79
Welch's Grape jelly or Jam $1.99 Use $0.35/1 from 7/31 SS (triples) = $0.94 Read more...
Kroger Deals 9/28-10/4
I did not see a whole lot that excited me at Kroger this week, so here are just a few items of note:
HoneyCrisp Apples $1.87/lb My husband says these are to die for, and they usually sale for around $3-$4/lb
Quaker Oatmeal $1.88 I can't find a coupon to match with it, but Aldi had this size for $1.99 this week, plus I'm just excited that oatmeal weather is coming. =)
Red Potatoes 3lb bag $1
Jumbo Navel Oranges $1 each
Even though there isn't much on sale, I need to make a trip to Kroger this week because I still have a stack of their coupons that I got in the mail for FREE items, and I think those expire this week. Read more...
Fiesta Deals 9/28-10/4
Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:
Chicken Breast $1.47/lb *Limit 2 Family Packs w/ $10 Purchase*
Pork Butt Roast $1.19/lb *Limit 2 Family Packs w/ $10 Purchase*
Beef Stew Meat $2.99/lb
Catfish Nuggets $1.89/lb
White Grapes $0.99/lb
Peaches, Plums, Nectarines $0.99/lb
Gala Apples $0.99/lb
Lemons 6 for $1
Green/Red Leaf Lettuce $0.99 each
Green Bell Peppers $0.39 each
Pears 6 for $1
Garlic $1.29/lb (this stuff was $2.99/lb when I ran out a few weeks back, I couldn't believe it!)
Mini Baby Red Potatoes $1.29/lb
Fruit 2 Day Juices $0.99 each (There is a $1/2 Printable if you wish to price match these--my Fiesta will not accept printed coupons).
Old Orchard Naturals CranDrink (There is a $1/1 Printable if you wish to price match)
Honey Nut Cheerios/Lucky Charms $1.99 each Use $1/2 From 9/25 SS --which wasn't in my paper...grrr.
3lb Rice $1.79
El Rio Grande Deals 9/28-10/4
Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:
Chicken Breast $1.19/lb
Inside Round Steak $2.39
Pork Spare Ribs $1.59/lb
Tilapia Fillets $2.69/lb
Pork Stew Meat $1.39/lb *Wednesday 9/28 Only*
Chicken Drumsticks $0.79/lb *Wednesday 9/28 Only*
Small Watermelon 2 for $3
Small Oranges 12 for $1
Avocados 4 for $1
Peaches $0.59/lb
Pears 5 for $1
Tomatillas 2 lbs for $1
Green Onions 2 for $1
Mexican Squash $0.69/lb (Are these like Zucchini?)
Nectarines $0.99/lb.
Poblano Peppers $0.59/lb *Thursday 9/29 Only*
Cucumbers 4 for $1 *Thursday 9/29 Only*
Capri Sun $1.79 each
4lbs Rice $2
Tres Estrellas Hot Cakes Mix 17.6 oz $0.69 each Read more...
El Rancho Deals 9/28-10/4
Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rancho this week:
Seven Steak $1.99/lb
Chicken Breast $1.19/lb
Sirloin Ham End Pork Chops $1.19/lb
Tilapia Fillets $2.97/lb
Oranges 12 for $1 (these are small, but great to slice and bag up in lunchboxes!)
Roma Tomatoes 3 lbs. for $1
White Onions 5 lbs. for $1
Avocados 3 for $1
Lettuce $0.88 each
10lb Russet Potatoes $2.39 each
Poblano Peppers $0.88/lb (mmmmm Chili Releno!)
Cilantro 4 for $1
Fresh Yucca Root $0.79/lb (what do you do with this? I'm intrigued.)
Papaya $0.88/lb
Nectarines $0.98/lb
4lbs Rice $1.99
Golden Round Crackers 2 for $1 (They look like Ritz. 9oz box) Read more...
Aldi Produce Deals 9/28-10-4
Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week:
Red Grapes $0.89/lb ($1.78 for 2lb pack)
Pears $0.49/lb ($0.98 for 2 lb. bag)
Cantaloupe $0.79 each --Last week there was a sign assuring theirs were not recalled.
Ripe Avocacos $0.49 each
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sunday's Shopping Trips
I realize I've been pretty quiet for the past couple of days. It's just been pretty busy around here with my husband working two jobs.
Sunday I did some grocery shopping, that I am about to tell you about. Monday, I spend the whole morning at the dentist, and came home with a tooth/headache, and decided a nap was in order. Today, I spend the majority of my time in the kitchen chopping up veggies, and I still have more of that to do tomorrow, along with some cooking.
Here is what I picked up on Sunday. First, I went in Fiesta to grad some of their great produce sales:
I spent around $12 for all of this (I can't seem to find my reciept). I got 4 celery @ $0.69 each, a lettuce for $0.69, 3 red and 3 yellow bell peppers for $0.69 each--and look at those things, they are huge! 6 green bell peppers for $0.39 each, and 12 pears for $2 total (6 for $1).
Next, at Aldi I got all of this:
This was all just items we needed around the house for the week. My total came to $39.96. I made the cashier laugh, because I said "Oh, good! I only had $41 left". Well, it was the truth!
Today was my husband's payday, and new sale ads will come out tomorrow, so I can't wait to see what's on sale. Read more...
Monday, September 26, 2011
Dishing It Up Recipe Hop: Fall Favorites--Creamy Tomato Basil Soup
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Photo Credit Skip To My Lou |
Friday, September 23, 2011
Fun Friday At The Farmer's Market And Free Cat Food
I meant to do some grocery shopping today, but as I sat outside this morning looking through the various ads once more and watching my daughter run around the back yard, I decided that there really wasn't anything on sale that we desperately needed.
I did want to get out of the house, however, and it was an absolutely gorgeous day today, so I decided that we should take a ride down to the Farmer's Market. I found the produce there a bit pricey today, but as always we had fun strolling around and sampling the fruits and veggies that were shoved at us from nearly every stand. I'm pretty sure my two year old was covered from head to toe with orange juice when I strapped her back into her carseat.
There was one thing that I did purchase while we were there. It was a large basket full of yellow squash.
I learned a trick at the farmer's market last summer. The baskets they put at eye level are the "freshest" of the items, and also the higher priced. Sometimes, when they have some that maybe didn't sale the previous day, there will be a larger basket below the table, down at ankle level. These are sooo much cheaper, and plenty fresh enough!
For the small basket of yellow squash at eye level that contained 4-5 squash, they were asking $4. For this basket, containing 17 squash (and larger ones at that), they wanted just $6! (We've already eaten some, and they were delicious! I'm also about to try an experiment with freezing cooked squash, so I'll let you know how that turns out.)
On the way home, I realized that the main reason I was needing to go shopping today was because we had run completely out of cat food. I had no coupons with me and I had not researched who had the best prices on cat food, but I recalled that I still had a $25 credit saved on my Kroger card from transferring a prescription. Kroger was on the way home, so we stopped by there and grabbed a large bag of their store brand cat food, which cost $11.75. When I checked out, she asked if I wanted to use my credit, and there was absolutely no charge. My receipt shows the remainder of my credit that I can use next time I go.
On top of that, when I picked my daughter up from school, we passed by a garage sale, and I found a booster seat for the car for just $2.
I think that was a pretty good day! For $8 total, I got 17 squash, a large bag of cat food, and an extra booster seat for my 5 year old (to have one in daddy's jeep.)
Earlier this week, I spent $8.16 at Tom Thumb (69% Savings).
That was all the shopping I've done this week since my trip to CVS (where they paid me for diapers) and my large Aldi haul on Sunday.
How did your shopping go this week? Link up or leave a comment below.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sunday Coupon Preview for 9/25
Fiesta Deals 9/21-9/27
Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:
Chicken Leg Quarters $0/49/lb *limit 2 w/$10 purchase*
Shoulder Steak $2.29/lb *limit 2 w/$10 purchase*
Country Style Ribs $1.19/lb *limit 2 w/$10 purchase*
White Grapes $0.99/lb
Roma Tomatoes $0.69/lb
Bartlett Pears 6 for $1
Lettuce $0.69 each
Yellow Onions $0.49/lb
Celery $0.69 each
Green Onions $0.49 each
Oranges 5 for $1
Red/Yellow Bell Peppers $0.69 each
Lemons 4 for $1
El Rio Grande Deals 9/21-9/27
Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:
Beef Shank $1.59/lb
Chicken Leg Quarters $0.49/lb (last time I got these they were sold in a 10lb bag, so this would be $4.90)
Pork End Chops $1.19/lb
Pollock Fish Fillet $1.00/lb (I tried these last time, and they aren't bad. They shrink a lot when cooked though)
Russet Potatoes $0.99 for 5 lb bag
Avacoados 4 for $1
White Onions 4 lbs. for $1
Carrots 1 lb bag 2 for $1
Lettuce $0.89 each
Cilantro 3 for $1
White Potatoes 2 lbs fir $1
Serrano Chilis $0.69/lb
Mexican Squash $0.79/lb
Peaches $0.89/lb
Red Grapes $1.29/lb
Kiwi 4 for $1
Green Bell 3 for $1
Parade Sugar 4lb. $1.49 *Limit 1 with $10 purchase*
Oscar Mayer Lunchables $1.00 each
My Apologies....
I just wanted to apologize for only getting two store's grocery ads posted on yesterday. For some reason, after I posted the second one, my computer decided that my web browser was a dangerous program (said it was being blocked by my firewall), and would not let me use it. I tried *everything* I could think of to fix it. I reset my wireless, my router, my modem, rebooted my computer, installed windows updates, etc.
Finally, after fighting with it for nearly 5 hours, I went under the main firewall settings and noticed that somehow it had gotten set to think that I had a wired network instead of a wireless network. Now, I'm not very tech savvy when it comes to stuff like this, so I have no idea what I could have done to make that all of a sudden happen, nor why it would matter so much.
Long story short...By the end of all that, I had quite the headache, and it was time to make dinner.
I'm going to do my best to get the rest of them up for you this morning.
If anybody happens to know what I might have done to wreak so much havoc, please let me know so I can be sure not to do it again! =)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
My Coupon Lady's 10,000 Facebook Fan Giveaway

Wow! Can you believe MyCouponLady just hit 10,000 fans on Facebook? I am so excited for my friend, that I have decided to help her celebrate!
We have the following prizes:
$50 Gift Card from ShopAtHome (Can be redeemed at a TON of different places)
Slim Wrap from Wrap to Lose Inches with Jolene
$10 Amazon eGift Card from It's Free At Last
$10 Amazon eGift Card from Nearly Nothing
$25 Gift Card from Saving Myself Silly
$10 Walmart Gift Card from Tig's Coupon Corner
Set of Custom Cleaning Cards from The Happy Lil Homemaker
Mystery Prize from Freebies, Sweeps & Deals
$60 Worth of Designer & Celebrity Inspired Jewelry from Gimmie Freebies
2 AMC Silver Experience Movie Tickets from MyCouponLady
Click Here To Enter!
El Rancho Deals 9/21-9/27
Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rancho this week:
Beef Shank $1.59/lb (what might one make with this?)
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $1.00/lb
Boneless Pork Stew Meat $1.19/lb
Cantaloupe $0.78 each
Avocados 5 for $1
White Onions 6 lbs for $1
Lettuce $0.88 each
Green Cabbage 2 lbs. for $0.88
Green Bell Peppers 3 for $0.99
Limes 10 for $0.99
Cucumbers 3 for $0.99
Nectarines $0.98/lb
Oranges 4lb bag $1.99 each
Plums $0.78/lb
Pears 5 for $0.98
18 ct. Eggs $0.98 each *limit 2 with $10 purchase* --A dozen was up to $1.09 at Aldi, so this is good! Read more...
Aldi Deals 9/21-9/27
Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week:
Mushrooms $0.69/package (does not state size)
Roma Tomatoes $0.69/ 1 lb package
Yellow Onions $0.33/lb sold in 3 lb bags for $0.99 each
Green Bell Peppers $1.29/ pack (2-3 count)
Little Salad Bar Italian /Ceasar 10oz $1.49
The ad actually folded out today (usually a single sheet), and there was a ton of Italian food related items inside. Most are regular priced, which are still very low compared to most places. I think my favorites are the stuffed ravioli's and tortellini's for $1.69-$1.99. This is what my Italian Sausage soup recipe called for, but last time I pruchased them, I recall them being over $3 a pack! I've just used random pasta, but it is soooo much better with cheese tortellini if you ask me (extra calcium, too!) Read more...
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
WOW! HIGH Value Coupons!! Print NOW! They Won't Last Long! just released some AMAZING High Value coupons. Here they are:
$4.00 off Playtex Gentle Glide 360°™

New Cellfire E-Coupons
I had sort of stopped using Cellfire for a while, but now that my Kroger has stopped doubling, I see no reason to not use Cellfire for Kroger at least.
Every other Tuesday, they release some new e-coupons (which are valid for 4 weeks). Here are the items that have new e-coupons that are available today: