Monday, November 21, 2011

Menu Plan: I Actually Made One!

I'm sure that most of you couldn't live without making a menu plan.  I used to be a very good menu planner.  I'm not sure what happened or when it happened, but somehow I got out of that habit and it has been a PAIN!

Last night, while procrastinating going to bed, and after cleaning off my desk and the kitchen table, I sat down and wrote out a menu plan for the week.  A lot of it will involve turkey leftovers, so that made it a bit easier (and I'm planning to prepare those meals in batches for the freezer, so that will make planning the coming weeks easier also!)

Here's what I've got planned:

Monday:  Steaks and baked red potatoes  (Not our usual meal, but my uncle insisted on buying us a pack while they visited, and my husband will actually be off tonight, so he'll definitely enjoy that!)

Tuesday:  Homemade Pizza (using the cheap pepperoni I got at Kroger).  My oldest daughter doesn't like pizza, but we have a library book about making homemade pizza that I thought we could read.

Wednesday:  Gumbo (It's in the freezer!)  =)

Thursday:  Turkey!  and some other stuff of course, like cheesecake ;)

Friday: Turkey Stuffing Casserole (I plan to make a few and freeze some).

Saturday:  Turkey Pot Pie   (I plan to make a few and freeze some, also).

Sunday:  Turkey Soup  (I will boil the carcass for stock, and then if I have meat remaining I will add noodles and veggies, if I have no meat remaining, then I will use the turkey stock as a base and make lentil soup--done that before and it's always good!)

So there you have it.  That's my very first menu plan in I can't even remember how long!  I'm pretty excited because I only need to buy 4 things that I don't already have here, too!

What's on your menu this week?

This post is linked up to Menu Plan Monday at OrgJunkie.


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