My First Trip To Whole Foods
This morning, I had a dentist appointment in which I had to pass right by Whole Foods. I still had that $20 voucher from LivingSocial that I had not used yet, so I thought that while I had grandparents tending to the toddler, I would stop in and see what I could find.
I grabbed a shopping cart on the way in, just in case (after sitting in the parking lot finishing my McDonald's--oh the irony!) Then I stepped into the produce department. I was a bit overwhelmed by the variety (and a bit shocked by the prices!). There were many things there that I had never seen before! I wandered through the store just browsing to see what they had.
There were many, many things that I had no clue what they were. The few things that I noticed that I was familiar with were not exorbitantly priced, however. Most things that I saw were shockingly expensive though.
Now I do know that they have sales and do accept coupons, and also have store coupons that you can stack with manufacturer coupons. I've seen several blogs that do Whole Food matchups, and I've seen proof that things can be obtained for FREE there.
I intend to try to learn the ropes a bit better, because the store is only two blocks from my church, so it wouldn't be much trouble at all to run in for a few freebies when they are available.
This time, I had not had time to plan for that and did not really know my way around the store to try and find the items anyways (plus I was kind of in a hurry to get home since half of my face was still numb). I decided to go with my initial plan and try out some things from the bulk bins.
I purchased some organic raisins, two types of trail mix, and two types of granola. I have grand ambitions of making homemade granola bars, but in all likelihood, it will just get eaten right out of the bag.
After my $20 voucher, I spent just a few cents over $5 for this stuff.
Do you shop at Whole Foods? If so, what types of items do you feel are the best value? Any tips at all for using coupons there would be super helpful, too!
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