Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Printable Hormel Coupons

Click here to visit the Hormel Foods website where there are several printable coupons available:

SAVE $.50 on any two (2) HORMEL® Premium Chicken Breast

SAVE $.75 on any one (1) pkg of HORMEL® Fully Cooked Bacon

SAVE $2 on any one (1) HORMEL® Party Tray

SAVE 50¢ on any two (2) HORMEL® Bacon Toppings

SAVE 55¢ on any two (2) HORMEL® Pepperoni packs

While you are there, sign up for their emails to have these deals delivered directly to your inbox.

New Swag Code

Go to the Swagbucks Blog for a clue on where to find a new SwagCode worth 15SB.  Not a member of Swagbucks yet?  Click here to sign up.

See if You Qualify!

I just got an email from Dove with an offer of becoming a Dove Hair Premier Ambassador.  You know what?  It said I qualified!  I'm so excited!  When I finished the form, it said that I should recieve full sized products in 4-6 weeks along with coupons to distribute to my friends.  Sounds awesome.

Free Sample of Dove Daily Treatment Conditioner

Go here to get a free Sample of Dove Daily treatment Conditioner.  I always love to get free samples of hair care products.  I carry them along with me when I travel to visit my mother instead of having to pack big bottles of stuff.  Very nice.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Trip to CVS and (almost) Walgreens

The CVS ad was not all that exciting to me this week, but there was one deal that I just could not pass up:  Pull-Ups.  Buy two packs at $8.99 each (not even a bad price) and get back $5 in Extra Bucks.  I was digging through my coupons and found a $3 off a pack of Pull-Ups CVS store coupon that was expiring today, so I HAD to go.  I was going to wait and go by myself when my husband got home, but he got called in to sub for evening school, so into the van me went.  First, I realized that my gas light was on after we forgot to gas up on the way home from church, so our first stop was the gas station.  All gassed up, we went to CVS.  I went in and found my Pull-Ups.  I was looking for the Oral B toothbrushes also but no luck.  So here is my purchase.  (Not pictured is a large bottle of mocha frappucino that was *ahem* quickly consumed).

Here's my breakdown:
2 Pull-Ups @ $8.99 each =17.98
1 Frap @ 2.29
-$1/1 Frap coupon
-$3/1 Pull-Up CVS coupon, stack with
-$2/1 Pull-Up coupon
-$1.50/1 Pull-Up coupon (for the second pack)
I also had $11.99 total Extra Bucks remaining from last week which brought my total to a whopping $1.33.
And I received $5 Extra Bucks back for purchasing 2 Pull-Ups.  (This deal is also valid on huggies diapers).

Two things to note:  The new pack design has 3 extra training pants in it! SCORE! Also, quarterly reward Extra Bucks should begin printing on April 1st.

I'm very excited about stocking up on Pull-Ups.  My daughter only wears them at night now so these will last a long time.  Back in the van, and off to Walgreens.  We get there.  I lock the door, throw my keys in my purse, and gather up the baby while the older one climbs out.  Slide the door closed and hear screaming.  I closed her hand in the door, which was locked.  I had to sit the baby down on the cement to dig in my purse to get the keys to unlock the door.  She is jumping and screaming and lands on the baby's fingers.  Now they are both screaming.  Needless to say, no Walgreens for me.  We headed back home for ice and ibuprofen.  Poor baby.  So, maybe I'll get back there before Sunday. =(

The Mailman is like Santa!

I have been getting tons of free samples that I have requested in my mail box lately. These all came last Monday!  The All Bran packet came with flowers seeds.  My oldest daughter planted some in her little flower pot this morning.  I hope they grow.  I plan to plant the rest around my tree out front.

Just a few days later, all of this stuff arrived in the mail for free.  Sadly the free magazines had only that one lone coupon for nursery water in them.

Yesterday was another good mail day!  Here's what came:

The book was free from yoBaby yogurt when you typed int he codes found on 4 lids of the 3 in 1 meals (that I got free with coupons).  They also sent me more coupons in the package.  The check is from an online survey website.  Only $8, but I'll take it.  I will post more about taking surveys soon.  Not pictured above are a sample a Dove pomegranate body mist that I recieved over the weekend, and a pack of Kashi cereal that I got this morning.  Both came with high value coupons.  Stay tuned.  When I find a free sample to request, I will post a link to it.  I will also post about a few sites that always offer free samples under the free stuff tab up top.  That is coming soon.

...and a bowl full of mush. AKA: Making some baby food.

After I got done with all of my shopping last week and was feeling so proud of myself for getting everything we would need in the near future (and doing so with two kids tagging along) I opened up the freezer to discover that my hungry little critter was almost out of homemade baby food.  *sigh*  I had also forgotten the main ingredient to the recipe my visiting sister in law had asked for, so back to the store I went.  I came back with enchilada sauce, and three very large sweet potatoes.  I also had a pack of carrots in the fridge.

I baked the sweet potatoes until they were very soft.  I boiled the carrots in a large pot on the stove.

When they are done, I puree them until they are smooth.  My daughter is getting a little older now so I tried to make them a little thicker and chunkier for her.  For smaller portions I use my Magic Bullet , but for large portions I use my blender.  Then I pour them into very small containers or ice cube trays.  Then I put them into the freezer.

Once they are frozen, I will remove them from the ice cube trays and place them into a zip top freezer bag.  Then when it is meal time I just have to take out a few cubes and thaw them in the microwave.

So there, now I have my orange vegetables made.  Who knows a good sale on green vegetables or fruit?

Oh, one more thing!  If the produce you want is not in season, frozen blagged vegetables work just as well.  I have made peas and green beans this way and they work just fine. =)

Teething and Crawling and Laundry, Oh My!

I have not had a chance to post much recently.  We had some family visiting this weekend and the housework went by the wayside, so I've been trying to catch up with that on top of a cranky and quickly mobilizing 8 month old.  I am trying to plan some shopping trips out today, so I will post my plans in a bit and then let you know how it went.  I did add some information under the printable coupons tab last night.  So be sure to check that out.  I will also be adding a page on e-coupons later today.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Coming Soon!

I have a few pictures that I want to share with you of free samples that came in my mailbox in the past week.  I will get those up ASAP.

Also, one thing I do to save money is make my own baby food instead of buying it.  I have some pictures to show how I go about doing that.  Again, ASAP.  So stay tuned.

Free Kindle Book Downloads

I came across a few new titles of Kindle books that are free to download for a limited time at

  1. A Gift of Grace:  Normally $10.99.  Click here.
  2. The Homeplace: Normally $12.99.  Click here.
  3. A Passion Most Pure: Normally $14.99.  Click here.
There are many, many other free kindle book downloads, so if you enjoy reading these are definately for you.  Plus, did you know that you do not even need a Kindle?  There is a free Kindle for PC download!!

New Coupon--$1/1 box of Kix cereal.

Go here to print a coupon for $1 off one box of KIX cereal.  I've never tried this one actually.  Sad, I know.  I'm going to hang on to it, and if I find a good deal I will get some for my kids.  I love to try new things, especially when they do not cost much. =)

I just won some Swagbucks!

I love Swagbucks!  If you have not signed up with Swagbucks yet, don't wait any longer.  What is it, you ask?  Well, it is a search engine.  That's it???  Well, not quite.  Everytime you search, you have the chance to win swagbucks.  When you have enough swagbucks you can trade them in for all sorts of things.  My favorite are the $5 Amazon gift cards.  I've only been using Swagbucks for a few months and I've already redeemed my points for $20 worth of Amazon credit.  Make sure to download the toolbar.  It makes it very easy to remember to search through Swagbucks.  Click here to sign up now!

Try NEW Cookies and get FREE Milk at Whataburger.

If you live or work near a whataburger, you might enjoy this deal.  They are offering customers a free milk when they purchase one of the new cookies.  The deal is valid on both March 30 and 31 from 11am -8pm and includes the chocolate chunk and sugar cookie varieties.  Check out the details here

Sunday, March 28, 2010

King's Hawaiian Bread Coupon

I was so excited to find this coupon on an ad along the side of my email page.  It is for $1/2 King's Hawaiian Products.  The coupon states that it excludes the small 4 packs =(  Anyways, here is the direct link to it.

I love this bread.  The round loaves make a great decorative bowl for dips if you cut the center out.  In fact, that is a great idea for what to bring to the Easter potluck at my church.

Printable Yoplait Greek Yogurt Coupon

Click here to get a coupon for $0.30/1 Yoplait Greek Yogurt.  If you use this at a store that doubles or triples, this should make for a great deal even at regular prices.  I have heard that this is the best yogurt.  I've never been a fan of yogurt myself, but my girls love it, so I'm gonna try it out.  This is a bricks coupon, so after you print it once, make sure you hit the back button to print it again.  Two prints per computer are allowed.

Hello Out There!

Hi there!  This is a brand new blog.  I am going to begin shortly writing daily posts about the little things that I do to save money these days.  With two kids and one income, that is crucial, as you must already know. 

Some of the things I will post about are awesome coupon deals, and how I match up coupons with sales at the grocery stores and drug stores.  I will also share links to printable coupons that I come across and think would make a good deal when a sale comes along. 

I will tell you where to go to request free samples of products, and show you what comes in my mailbox. 

I will also share other helpful tips about what I do around the house to stretch the budget even further.  One of my favorite is freezer cooking.  I will post more about that along with pictures when I cook.

And that's not nearly all.  I have lots of things I would love to share with anyone who is interested.  Please bear with me right now as I finish learning how all this works and getting my site furnished with more useful information.  I'm very excited to share what I have learned in the past with anyone who might benefit from it, so visit often and tell your friends. =)

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Some of the links/images on my site may contain affiliate links. I may or may not receive compensation from them, but all opinions on this site are my own, and I will never post a deal that I would not do myself or a site that I have not signed up for and believe to be legitimate.

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