Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Luck Of The Irish Giveaway Hop: Win Dawgs Footwear ($50 Value)

Luck of the Irish Giveaway Hop is hosted by Mama Does It All and Deals from MS DO. Enter to win the Grand Prize Kindle Fire sponsored by

(zuuzs is a social shopping site where friends shop, share, and earn together. You can shop at more than 850 stores, share deals & opinions with friends, and control your own cash back rewards with their exclusive Buying Power functionality. It's free to join and have fun with zuuzs! You must be a member to be eligible for the grand prize, but not any of the other prizes hosted on the participating blogs.)

Here is a list of all participating blogs. Each blog has it's own prize to give away valued at $25 minimum (though some are much higher!) Hop around and see what's up for grabs! (Scroll down for my prize).

I was recently given the opportunity to test and review a pair of Dawgs Footwear Spirit Toners.  I am not a big exerciser (chasing a 2 year old counts, right?), but I also know I'm not in the greatest shape.  I've been intrigued by the idea of toning shoes ever since I first heard about them, so when I was asked to select a pair of shoes from their inventory, those leapt right out at me!

When the box arrived at my door, and I lifted it,  my initial reaction was "How can there be shoes in this box??"  It was soooo lightweight!  But indeed, they were in there.

They come in 4 different colors.  The ones I chose were navy and white.  The style was very different than any shoes I've ever worn, and the shape of the bottoms felt strange at first, but it wasn't long before I got used to it.  Plus, I felt like my posture was improved and I was walking taller from the moment I stepped into them.  (They sort of make you roll your steps...I was reminded of my former days on the flag line in the high school marching band! LOL)

I do not normally wear shoes around my house, but I decided that in order to see if these really "toned" I would need to wear them all the time.  And so I did.  I actually almost forgot I had them on most of the time.  They are so light and snug.  They feel like I'm wearing cozy slippers.  They don't weigh my feet down and leave me with that heavy, achy feeling like most shoes.

A few days after I received them, I got to really put them to the test.  It was the 100th day of Kindergarten, and my daughter's class partied all day long!  They had exciting activities planned out from 8am until 3pm!  I showed up at 8am, with toddler.  I did not know how long I would be able to stay on account of said toddler, but she was actually fairly well behaved, and I was able to stay through lunchtime when I had to bring her home for her nap.

I was chasing her around, trading out activities to entertain her, all the while bending over a small table full off 5 year olds reading them stories and helping them color and fingerpaint.  FOR 4 STRAIGHT HOURS!!!   I didn't think much about it at the time, but as I was heading home I thought that for sure my back was going to be killing me (I've got car accident injuries that had been flaring up very badly at the slightest bit of activity).

When I got home and put the little one to bed, I realized that I was extremely tired as well, so I laid down for a little rest on the couch.  When I woke up, I was indeed in quite a lot of pain.  It was not my back hurting, however, it was my thighs!  Then it hit me...I had been TONING my legs for 4 straight hours!  Sheesh!

I know from experience that the best way to relieve sore and overworked muscles is to keep them moving, so I slipped my toners back on.   The pain didn't last long, and I continued wearing them for several weeks.  Then came the true test!  A group of ladies from my church planned a Saturday afternoon go roller skating!  I love, love, LOVE roller skating, so I could not wait.   I think I've been skating 4 times in the past 10-15 years, but that certainly did not stop me from enjoying myself and acting the fool!  I'm pretty sure we were getting dirty looks from 10 year olds.

I was also pretty sure that I would not be able to move following day, but you know what?  I didn't even hurt very badly!  Could it be that the lack of pain is a sign that my legs are now in better shape?  I do very much want to believe that!

Whether or not I truly am more toned now, I can say for certain that these shoes are incredibly comfy, and the back pain that had been plaguing me for weeks (I was preparing myself for another round of doctor visits and perhaps more cortisone injections) has been barely noticeable.  In fact, the only time it really bothered me was when I spent the entire day catching up on folding laundry!  I've also had a ton more energy than usual.  I even got a few compliments on their cuteness. ;)

Here is your chance to win your own pair of DAWGS Spirit Toners.  Enter in the Rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Albertsons Deals 2/29-3/6

This week's Albertsons Deals are brought to you by:

Split chicken Breast  $0.78/lb

Hormel Pork Tenderloin Buy one get 3 free
$1/1 printable
$1/1 Hormel Always Tender Flavored Meat, exp. 4/9/12 (SS 02/12/12 R)

Starkist Canned Tuna  $0.59

Calidad Tortilla Chips  $0.99

To see more great Albertsons deals, go to her full post here.

FREE 1 Month Trial Of Dailies Contacts

This great offer for one month worth of FREE Dailies Contacts is back!

If you or your children will be getting new contacts soon, get this trial certificate and bring it along to the optometrist.


Free E-Book Featuring 14 Healthy Recipes

We all want to feed our families healthier meals, and sometimes it's hard to know where to begin!  Here's a great FREE E-book offer full of 149 healthy recipes:

Tom Thumb Deals 2/29-3/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised this week at Tom Thumb  (Not a whole lot here either):


Whole Boneless Pork Loin   $1.99/lb


Red, Green, Romaine Lettuce   $0.99 each

With In-Ad Coupon:

Pam Cooking Spray  $2.49


Kraft Fresh Take   $2.99

Kroger Deals 2/29-3/6

I'll be honest, there isn't a whole that I find exciting at Kroger this week.  They are having their big "Cartbuster Savings event", but I find the prices to be just "ok".  Perhaps that's because they will no longer double coupons, so nothing is quite as inexpensive there as it once was.

Here are the very few things I see that might be worth a trip to Kroger:

Kroger Value Chicken leg Quarters  $0.59/lb

Kroger Cheese     6-8 oz.    3 for $5

Michelina's Frozen Entrees   $0.88

Silk Half Gallon (Almond, Coconut Or Soy)  $2.79

  • Use:
  • $1.00 off one Silk Pure Coconut$0.55 off one Silk Soymilk or Almondmilk

Fiesta Deals 2/29-3/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:


Leg Quarters   $0.59/lb  (limit 2 bags with $10 purchase)


Romaine, Red, or Green Leaf Lettuce   $0.69 each  (I foresee a salad in my future)

Tomatoes   $0.59/lb

Navel Oranges   6 for $1

Cucumbers/Green Bells    3 for $1

Avocados   2 for $1

3lb. bag Yellow Onions   $1.29 each

Bulk Garlic  $1.29/lb

Green Beans  $1.29/lb


4lb. Rice   $1.66

El Rancho Deals 2/29-3/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rancho the week:


Chicken Drumsticks   $0.69/lb

Sirloin Ham End Pork Chops  $0.98/lb


Avocados   5 for $1

Atualfo Mangos  3 for $1

Tomatoes  3lbs. for $1

Jalapeno  $0.68/lb

Head Lettuce  $0.79 each

White Onions  2 for $0.88

Poblano peppers  $0.88/lb

Cilantro  4 for $0.99

Limes  8 for $0.99

Oranges  8 for $0.99


18 ct. Eggs   $0.99 each

2lb rice  $0.99 each

1lb. Lentils  $0.77 each

1lb. Pinto Beans  $0.79 each

40ct. Foam Plates  $0.88 each

El Rio Grande Deals 2/29-3/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:


Split Chicken Breast   $0.69/lb

Pork End Chops  $1.09/lb

Salmon Fillets  $3.99/lb

*Wed Only*  Beef Shank  $1.59/lb  *Wed Only*

*Wed Only*  Pork Rib Stew Meat  $0.99/lb  *Wed Only*

*Wed Only*  Whole Chickens  $0.79/lb  *Wed Only*


Round Tomatoes   3lbs. for $1

White Onions   5lbs for $1

Pineapple  $0.99 each

Poblano Peppers   $0.89/lb

Mexican Squash  $0.69/lb

Yams  2 lbs. for $1

Cilantro  5 for $1

Cucumbers  3 for $1

Kiwi  5 for $1

Small Red Apples  4 for $1

*Thurs Only*  Green Cabbage  5 lbs. for $1  *Thurs Only*


Maruchan Instant Lunch  8 cups for $1  (Limit 8 with $10 purchase)

Big Quality Paper Towels   $0.69 each Single Roll

Aldi Deals 2/29-3/6

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week:

Meat Special Buy: 

Jumbo Pack Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast  $1.69/lb

Prices reduced on many seafood items


Lemons   $0.10 each

Avocados   $0.29 each

Roma Tomatoes   $0.49 each for 1lb. package

Broccoli Crowns  $0.99 each for 1 lb package

Navel Oranges  $0.35/lb  sold in 4lb. bags for $1.39

Red/Green Grapes  $0.79/lb sold in 2lb tubs for $1.58

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Great Swag Swap Giveaway Hop

Welcome to The Great Swag Swap Giveaway Hop hosted by Gypsy Mama Logsand Mama goes BAM. This is a special event to thank you our readers, and is your 2nd chance to get your hands on some of the best swag from some of your favorite bloggers.

The idea behind this hop is that we've all got things lying around our houses that are leftover from blog reviews or product sampling opportunities that didn't get used.

We're doing some early Spring Cleaning to clear out our clutter and pass the goodies along to you!

The event begins at 12:01 AM February 29 & ends 11:59 PM March 7th!!

Here's the list of all participating pages.  Hop around and see what's up for grabs (scroll down for my giveaway):

For my giveaway, I have collected a few items I've had left from some review opportunities I've been involved with through and  These are all products that are "green" and "all natural".

Here's what the winner will be getting  (and maybe a few late additions if I uncover any more):

Prize pack Includes:  2 full size all natural Dessert Essence body lotion/creams, 2 sample packs of Seventh generation laundry soap, dish soap, and baby wipes, and 3 sample packs of Smarty Pants gummy vitamins (two children's and 1 adult)

I will ship to any U.S. winner.  To enter, use the rafflecopter form below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Great New Silk Coupons

I just got home from my women's Bible study to find these great new coupons, so i just had to share them with you before I went to bed:

$1.00 off one Silk Pure Coconut

I LOVE the dark chocolate almond, and I cannot wait to try the smoothie!

Already Starting To Think About Summer Vacation? New Travel Deals Site

Here's a brand new site offering deals on travel and lodgings:

Deal Chicken

The site description says "Sign up for DealChicken weekly email and receive discounts on travel from quaint bed & breakfasts to tropical escapes."

If you are thinking ahead and beginning to save up for your summer vacation, sign up for this site.  You can sign up to receive deals from a location near your, or from your favorite vacation spot.

I chose "Acadiana" which covers a large area in Louisiana, so I may be able to find some deals for when we visit family!

New Lipton Green Tea Coupon

I love tea!  So, I've excited about this coupon.  These are fairly inexpensive to begin with, so this will make the price even better!

$0.75 off one box of Lipton Green Tea

In The Mailbox

I love getting PGBrandsampler packages!

I love that the site lists all the things available, and you can choose as many or few as your want (I always choose them ALL), and then they send them all in a big box, so getting mail is extra fun that day!  I could smell the Unstoppables before I even got the box open!

They change the products quarterly, and allow you to request one every 3 months.  If it hasn't been long enough, the site will tell you exactly when to return when you log in. =)

Go request yours now, if you haven't already.

(Oh and there's also a B3G1 FREE Healthy Choice coupon in there from a facebook promotion a while back).

End Of The Month Coupon Print Reminder

The month is drawing to a close.  It had a very slow start for coupons, but there were several really goods ones that appeared later on in the month.

When March begins, new coupons will arrive, and many of the ones that are currently available will be gone, so make sure you take a few minutes and head over to each of these sites and make sure you've printed any coupons that you will use:

Coupon Network

Red Plum

You may also want to stop by these two and load any e-coupons that you haven't to your shopper card:



FREE Skincare Quiz and Beauty Advice

I'm 30 years old, and my face is completely full of acne right now.  I don't know why, but when I came across this offer from one of my affiliate companies, I was curious enough to give it a shot:

When you click the image, you will be taken to a skincare quiz.  It will ask you several questions about your skin, and then it will suggest a few packages of their products that may help you.

I will be perfectly honest that I have NO intention of purchasing these products because they are very expensive.  However, I was interested to see the *types* of products it was suggesting for me, so that I can shop for deals on those types of products at the drug stores.

I was surprised to see a moisturizer suggested for me even though I have oily skin.  It's good to be armed with this type of information. 

You will also receive a personalized Beauty Tips newsletter, that I'm hoping may have some advice for me.  

If you'd like to check out what the quiz recommends for your skin, go here.

Teaching Tuesday: How Do You Begin A Stockpile?

For today's Teaching Tuesday post, I'm going to discuss how to begin building a stockpile.  We've already learned about how to organize coupons and how to match coupons to sale prices (and we know if it's a good sale price because we know our prices!)

When we put all of this information into practice, we're going to see significant savings!  However, all of that goes to waste if we do not buy enough of an item to last us until it goes on sale again  (typically 4-8 weeks) and we have to run out and buy the item at full price.

Over the summer, I wrote a post that was all about stockpiles (literally, that was the title!  Go read it if you'd like to learn more!)  I've also posted about how stockpiles do not need to be extreme, but no matter if they are large or small, they've got to start somewhere!

Ideally, the best way to begin a stockpile is "buying" several of an item that is FREE after coupons during a given sale, but lately those have been few and far between!  The next best thing is buying several of an item when it is at it's lowest sale price and you have a coupon for that item.

When the items you wish to stockpile aren't free, you have to be careful not to overdo it, and risk going over budget buying things that you don't immediately need.  It's a tricky situation to be in, because you are having to spend extra money now in order to get future savings!

Since we're saving so much on our grocery bill, we can dedicate some of that savings to beginning a stockpile.

Let's say, for example, that before using coupons you were spending $150/week on groceries.  By using coupons, you find you're able to save nearly half, spending only $80/week.  Your instinct is to lower your budget and allocate all of that savings into another budget category.  Great idea!  But leave yourself a bit of wiggle room!  Set your budget at say $100/week.  You'll still have an extra $50 to shift into another budget category, and you'll give yourself an extra $20 to "play" with at the store.  Also, you never know when there will be a bad sale week (or a really good one) and you need a little more than that $80!

Then, when you see a great sale on something, you'll know you can afford to buy a few extra.  Let's say you see juice on sale for $2 when it's usually $4.  That's already half off, but you happen to have a few $1 coupons, so you can get them for just $1.  That's a savings of 75% and a great time to stockpile.

If you buy 4 bottles for $4, you've gotten 4 times as much for the same price you would have paid without a sale or a coupon  (the price you'll pay next week if you only get one bottle when the sale is over and your coupon has perhaps expired).

If you normally buy 1 bottle of juice each week, you've just stocked up for the whole month for no more out of your pocket than a normal weekly purchase, and that item gets taken off of your "needed item" list for at least three weeks..freeing up more money that you can use to focus on stocking up on another item.

I love how savings has a snowball effect!

Next week we'll be discussing how you can save more by not being so loyal. ;)

High Value Glade Coupons

There are a couple of high value Glade coupons that appeared this morning.  I'll keep my eyes peeled for more!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekly Goals 2/27

I was actually able to come up with what I think is a workable daily schedule for myself, not last week like I'd hoped, but this morning.  It is still a work in progress, but I'm hoping I can stick to it.  That is going to involve a daily load of dishes and laundry, and well as daily organizing tasks for a specific room each day of the week.  I didn't not do my kitchen task today because I was I busy making the schedule, so we'll let that count. =)

I've got a lot of exciting giveaways coming up shortly on the blog, so one of my goals for the week is to manage my time wisely so that I can keep up with all of those.

One of them involves a bit of gardening as well, so I can't wait to get that started.  I have some reading to finish first.  And yes, I'm aware I'm being purposely vague. ;)

Another goal for the week is going through my emails that have built up over the past few weeks.  I was able to get to the bottom of my "junk" email account today, so that was a huge accomplishment for me.  Just two more accounts to go!

Looks like I'm going to be spending a lot of time with my computer this week!

Menu Plan: 2/27-3/4

Last week we sort of strayed from the menu plan a bit because many of us were not feeling well, so there ended up being a night we grabbed pizza, and a night we had eggs.  I did get all my pork chops cooked and put three sets of baked chops back into the freezer.

I kinda of slacked on the housework last week (but I did catch up at least with the dishes and laundry yesterday), so in the name of catching back up, and because I've got food in the freezer, I've declared a mostly no cooking week.

I went out this morning and took inventory of my freezer and found 28 prepared meals in there.  I have a good bit of meat left, but I'm getting down to the more obscure things that aren't used as often, such as sausage and seafood, so I'll be on the lookout for meat sales this week as we begin our new budget for the next month.

Here's what I plan to do this week:

Monday:  Turkey Soup  (still some upset tummies and sniffles around here, so I thought this would be good.)

Tuesday:  Gumbo

Wednesday:  Red Beans

Thursday:  Meat Balls

Friday:  Tilapia  (cooking this)

Saturday:  Roast

Sunday:  Shrimp Alfredo  (cooking this)

This post is linked up at Menu Plan Monday.

Mmmmmmm...Iced Coffee Coupon! Hurry!

I was so very delighted to see this coupon this morning, because I really, really would like to try this stuff!

$1.00 off any flavor International Delight

New product coupons tend to go fast, so print this one while you can!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Pre-Made Granola Snack Bags

I've shared with you in the past how I make the whole week's worth of sandwiches on Sunday.  Here's another idea I had to make packing lunches (or just grabbing a snack) a bit easier, at the same time using up some partial bags in the pantry.

Here's what I had:
  • Some bulk granola
  • Some bulk raisins
  • a few handfuls of M&M's
I tossed a bit of each thing into some snack bags and made a trail mix type mixture.  

Now I'd be lying if I said these got completely gobbled up.  My girls, of course, picked the m&m's out, but they did munch on some of the other stuff as well, and my husband thought they were great.  He loves trail mixes, but they tend to be very costly!  Also, the bags are huge!  He will splurge on a bag, and munch on it for a few days, and then he says the stuff at the bottom tastes stale, so some usually gets wasted.

The baggies keep them sealed, so they don't go stale, and they are in individually sized portions.  They are also very handy to toss in a diaper bag.

I've also split up boxes of cherry tomatoes and bags of baby carrots in these little snack baggies to toss in lunch boxes.  It saves a ton of time.  What are some things you do to make packing lunches a breeze?

Some Great New Rare and High Value Coupons

There are several new coupons I noticed today.   There are new products, and products that rarely have coupons.  Check these out and print any you need:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekend Rewind: Pre-Cooking Saves The!

To go along with our freezer cooking focused recipe hops this month, I've been sharing past freezer cooking posts with you for my weekend rewinds.

This post was originally posted on November 14, 2011.  It is a great example of how even just pre-cooking and bagging the meat (if you don't have time to create entire freezer meals) is a huge time saver!  Pair that with a fully stocked pantry and a little imagination, and the possibilities are endless!

Here is the original post:

Yesterday, my houseguests left and I was all alone with the kids.  They were going nuts, and I needed to feed them.  I didn't want to eat any of the complete meals that were in the freezer because we'd eaten them all recently.

I wanted something different. Something fresh.  But, also something easy that I had all the ingredients on hand.  So I started digging around in my freezer, and I found a pack of pre-cooked ground beef that I had forgotten about.  This could work, I said to myself, and I went to the pantry.

I had already decided against anything spaghetti-esqe.  I had a bag of that in the freezer I could have thawed.  But one kid doesn't like spaghetti, and the other kid does everything the first one does, so I wasn't feeling that fight tonight.

In my pantry I had egg noodles, and cream soups, so I decided to toss together a quick beef stroganoff type meal.  I put my thawed, cooked ground meat into the skillet with a can of cream of mushroom soup.  (I seasoned the meat when cooking it so I didn't need to add any seasonings now.)  I decided to toss some frozen peas into the skillet just to make it a one dish meal.  I also added a bit of my fresh basil and rosemary to add a little flavor to the sauce.  Tossed it over whole wheat egg noodles, and dinner was served.

My girls both loved this and ate without complaints, so that was a big win in itself.  The other plus was how easy and inexpensive this meal was to make.  Having the meat already cooked was a huge time saver, and all the other ingredients were right there in my pantry.  The pasta I had gotten for FREE I think.  No more than $0.20 for sure.  The cream of mushroom soup was $0.30, and then half a bag of $0.95 Aldi frozen peas.

I write this post to show you (but mostly myself) than pre-cooking, even if its just the meat and I don't have time to create an entire meal for the freezer, is still worth it!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Weekly Shopping Totals + Monthly Totals

I did not do a whole lot of shopping this week.

On Tuesday, I made a last minute trip over to Albertsons for a few items.  When I got there, I encountered several in store signs alerting me that there were typos and misprints in their sales ad, so some of the deals I went for, weren't such good deals after all.

Here's what I got (sale has now ended):

Total Shelf Price:  $28.00
Total Sale Price:   $19.84
Total Spent After Coupons:  $12.45   56% Savings

Today I made two quick trips.  I ran into Tom Thumb for Ken's Dressing:

Total Shelf Price:  $14.76
Total Sale Price:  $6.00  Already 59% Savings!!
Price Paid After Coupons:  $2.00   86% Savings

Then, there were a few items I needed from Aldi (not pictured are a gallon of milk, large tub or margarine, and a pack of American and a pack of Swiss cheese).  As I was grabbing two loaves of white bread (like we usually eat) for $0.89 each, I happened to glance to my right and notice that the wheat bread was marked down to just $0.50/loaf.  So, we're eating healthier bread this week because it was marked down.  I'm also thinking some french toast is in order for the weekend. ;)

Price Paid  $26.91

Total Spent On Groceries This Week:  $41.36.   My husband gets paid either tomorrow or Monday, so this is the end of "february" for me.  Altogether this month, I spent $273.93.  That is $6.07 under budget for the month (though strangely I have more cash left than that....but that must be from those few small stops my husband made).   This is the 8th week of the year, and my weekly average spending with this week is down to just $69.46/week.

I did not purchase meat at all this month because I was using up what had accumulated in my freezer (and I've still got a lot left!).  Instead of those purchase, I was able to stock up on lots of items this month:  oatmeal, deli meat, maxi pads, kids shampoo, juice, canned tomatoes and canned soups, and salad dressing.  Plus, we were able to eat plenty of fresh produce!

After shopping, I came home and put away the few cold items, and then my little one and I went cruising around the neighborhood hunting garage sales.  We stopped at 4 this morning, and the first three had absolutely nothing we needed.  I'm glad we kept searching, because at the last one we stopped at, I found a lot of items in my older daughters size (and the great thing about having a younger daughter is that they will all eventually fit her, too!).

Here's what I got for $6 at the garage sale:

One heavy winter coat, that should still fit next winter--$1
2 pairs of shoes  $1 each  (I noticed this morning that the toe rubber on her brand new shoes was detaching.  $9 on clearance at Target, and barely lasted 2 months...=(....)
A skirt, and a shirt  $0.50 each (skirt should fit well now, shirt is a size large)
brand new 2 pack of white tights   $1
8 piece bug magnifier kit with all the pieces.  $1.

How did your shopping go this week?  Link up below or leave a comment:

Rare Triple Paste Coupons

This stuff is pricey, but my pediatrician recommends it above anything else.  I never saw coupons for it when I was needing it, though!  Also, they've put out a few more formulas than just the plain paste.  Print these for yourself, or for a friend who battles diaper rash!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

High Value Welch's Coupon

Woohoo!  The month started off very slow, but there have been some great coupons lately.  Here's another:

$2.00 off one Welch's Juice Beverage

If you are a target shopper, there also happens to be a $1.00 Target coupon that will stack with this.  I had just printed that one, so I'm very excited to see this new printable.

Dishing It Up Recipe Hop: Freezer Meals


Welcome back to the Dishing It Up Recipe Hop!  February's theme has been freezer meals!

It's getting to be a hectic time of year, so it's always helpful to have some pre-made dishes on hand in the freezer.  Not only can they save you some time and hassle at dinner time, they can save you money, too!

Freezer cooking does not have to involve preparing an entire meal!  If you just pre-cook large batches of meats, and freeze them in portions that will be enough for a meal for your family, you've saved yourself a ton of time and hassle, as well as the messy part of deal with the raw meat.  That part is done already, so you need only thaw and prepare!

Here's one meal that I've prepared from pre-cooked ground beef (see the full post and recipe here):

Check out the other great freezer meals below.  Feel free to link up your own freezer meal posts.

We'd love to have you join our hop! Add your link below and if you haven't already, please visit our new Dishing It Up website for info on upcoming recipe hops and how to add the linky list to your own post if you like!  Please add a link back to the Dishing It Up website in your post (something like "This post is being linked up to the Dishing It Up  Recipe Hop" is fine) so that others can find us too. The more people that find the hop, the more traffic you will get!

1. Easy Chicken Enchiladas  15. Freezable Crockpot Chicken Spaghetti  
2. Oat Muffins  16. Beef & Barley Soup  
3. Breakfast Tacos  17. Chicken and Waffles from scratch  
4. Stuffed Shells  18. Pasta Sauce Plus  
5. Easy Chicken Spaghetti  19. Jell-O Popsicles  
6. Gulyas  20. Spinach Pesto  
7. Potato and Corn Chowder  21. Ground Beef & Hamburger Steaks  
8. Super Easy Pasta Sauce  22. Peaches & Cream Pie  
9. Chicken Gnocchi Soup  23. chicken taco soup  
10. Easy Notsagna  24. Freezer Beef Stroganoff  
11. Cheesy Chicken Italiano  25. Thai Spiced Chicken Patties  
12. Pork Chops From the Freezer  26. Lentil Tomato Soup  
13. Beef Fried Rice Freezes Well  27. Basic bread recipe (For freezing)  
14. Cracker Barrel Hash Brown Casserole  

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