Luck Of The Irish Giveaway Hop: Win Dawgs Footwear ($50 Value)
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I was recently given the opportunity to test and review a pair of Dawgs Footwear Spirit Toners. I am not a big exerciser (chasing a 2 year old counts, right?), but I also know I'm not in the greatest shape. I've been intrigued by the idea of toning shoes ever since I first heard about them, so when I was asked to select a pair of shoes from their inventory, those leapt right out at me!
When the box arrived at my door, and I lifted it, my initial reaction was "How can there be shoes in this box??" It was soooo lightweight! But indeed, they were in there.
They come in 4 different colors. The ones I chose were navy and white. The style was very different than any shoes I've ever worn, and the shape of the bottoms felt strange at first, but it wasn't long before I got used to it. Plus, I felt like my posture was improved and I was walking taller from the moment I stepped into them. (They sort of make you roll your steps...I was reminded of my former days on the flag line in the high school marching band! LOL)
I do not normally wear shoes around my house, but I decided that in order to see if these really "toned" I would need to wear them all the time. And so I did. I actually almost forgot I had them on most of the time. They are so light and snug. They feel like I'm wearing cozy slippers. They don't weigh my feet down and leave me with that heavy, achy feeling like most shoes.
A few days after I received them, I got to really put them to the test. It was the 100th day of Kindergarten, and my daughter's class partied all day long! They had exciting activities planned out from 8am until 3pm! I showed up at 8am, with toddler. I did not know how long I would be able to stay on account of said toddler, but she was actually fairly well behaved, and I was able to stay through lunchtime when I had to bring her home for her nap.
I was chasing her around, trading out activities to entertain her, all the while bending over a small table full off 5 year olds reading them stories and helping them color and fingerpaint. FOR 4 STRAIGHT HOURS!!! I didn't think much about it at the time, but as I was heading home I thought that for sure my back was going to be killing me (I've got car accident injuries that had been flaring up very badly at the slightest bit of activity).
When I got home and put the little one to bed, I realized that I was extremely tired as well, so I laid down for a little rest on the couch. When I woke up, I was indeed in quite a lot of pain. It was not my back hurting, however, it was my thighs! Then it hit me...I had been TONING my legs for 4 straight hours! Sheesh!
I know from experience that the best way to relieve sore and overworked muscles is to keep them moving, so I slipped my toners back on. The pain didn't last long, and I continued wearing them for several weeks. Then came the true test! A group of ladies from my church planned a Saturday afternoon go roller skating! I love, love, LOVE roller skating, so I could not wait. I think I've been skating 4 times in the past 10-15 years, but that certainly did not stop me from enjoying myself and acting the fool! I'm pretty sure we were getting dirty looks from 10 year olds.
I was also pretty sure that I would not be able to move following day, but you know what? I didn't even hurt very badly! Could it be that the lack of pain is a sign that my legs are now in better shape? I do very much want to believe that!
Whether or not I truly am more toned now, I can say for certain that these shoes are incredibly comfy, and the back pain that had been plaguing me for weeks (I was preparing myself for another round of doctor visits and perhaps more cortisone injections) has been barely noticeable. In fact, the only time it really bothered me was when I spent the entire day catching up on folding laundry! I've also had a ton more energy than usual. I even got a few compliments on their cuteness. ;)
Here is your chance to win your own pair of DAWGS Spirit Toners. Enter in the Rafflecopter form below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway