Weekly Totals
I went out to Aldi today to graba few things we were out of, and actually ran across a couple really good deals while I was there:
I went out to Aldi today to graba few things we were out of, and actually ran across a couple really good deals while I was there:
I just came across this 5 pack of Springtime Easy Readers for Kindle.
My daughter has read the puppies and kitties already and she LOVES them. The pictures are sooooo much cuteness, too!
This won't be free for long!! No longer free. In fact I've been catching a different one of her books for free every other day or so and by the time I get a chance to tell you about them they are no longer free, so don't wait!
What are you doing pointing that thing at me? |
Here she is happily munching away. |
There is a new code "BLOOM" that will get you a $25 Restaurant.com certificate for just $2!
We'd love to have you join our hop! Add your link below if you haven't already. Our new Dishing It Up website has info on upcoming recipe hops and how to add the linky list to your own post if you like! Please add a link back to the Dishing It Up website in your post (something like "This post is being linked up to the Dishing It Up Recipe Hop" is fine) so that others can find us too. The more people that find the hop, the more traffic you will get!
You may have noticed that my grocery deal posts were not posted bright and early this morning as usual.
Yesterday, after I returned from the doctor, I posted on facebook that I had strep and a severe ear infection that has since ruptured. I've been in quite a lot of pain from that all day and it's been a bit hard to focus. I've posted my local stores that no coupons are needed, but I didn't want to leave you without the national chains.
Instead of trying to post them myself, I'm going to link you over to the pages of some trusted friends. This helps you and helps them as well, so if you are needing to shop at one of these stores, please hop over and check out the deals!
For Albertsons deals, please visit Practically Virtuous.
For Kroger deals, please visit Mama Does It All.
For Tom Thumb deals, please visit Thrifty Texan.
And here are a couple more stores that I do not usually post because I do not have in my area, but if you have them and would like to see them regularly, leave me a comment!
For Brookshire's deals, please visit Pary Moppins.
For Super 1 deals, please visit Thrifty Texas Penny
Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:
Beef Tip Steak $2.49/lb
Whole Pork Leg $1.00/lb
Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast $1.29/lb
Pineapple $0.89 each
Jalapeno Peppers 3lbs for $1
Yellow Onions 6lbs for $1
Poblano Peppers $0.79/lb
Small Oranges 7lbs for $1
Cantaloupe $1.50
Cilantro 4 for $1
Cucumbers 3 for $1
Yams $0.59/lb
Red Potatoes $0.59/lb
Key Limes 30 for $1
Green Beans $0.69/lb
Pears 4 for $1
Sugar 4lb. $1.88
Flour 5lb. $0.99
Starkist Tuna 2 for $1 (limit 2 with $10 purchase)
Lentils 1lb. $0.79
Zatarains Fish Fry $0.99 each
Parade 24 oz. ketchup $0.79 each
I wanted to remind you again about the online egg hunt going on at Woman Freebies.
Here's a brand new coupon for Huggies Slip On Diapers!
One of the very easy online money making tactics that I've let fall by the wayside lately is taking online surveys.
They are very enjoyable, and while you won't get rich, you can earn some extra spending money and often get free products to test.
One of the leading online survey companies is looking for participants again. I've both gotten pain by this site and gotten free products to test and keep (usually a toiletry of some sort, but that's one less thing to buy!)
Click the image below to sign up!
After CVS, I went over to Tom Thumb. There were a couple of freebies there are coupon this week, and I brought a few other coupons along just to check their prices in store. I found several surprise deals, so I'm pretty pleased with my trip.
Here's everything I came home with:
Last night I sat down and pulled out coupons to shop at 4 different stores. I went to two today, and plan on hitting the other two tomorrow morning (had to wait until payday!)
My first stop today was at CVS. I went in with $15 in ECBs to spend. I was able to stock up on Easter candy, as well as some food items we were running low on.
Here's what I got:
This coupon is available to print this morning:
Wow! Here is yet another high value coupon that just appeared today!
There is a brand new Nivea Lip coupon available:
Here's a great rare coupon for Hormel ham. If you need it, print it now! These would also be great to snag after Easter markdowns!
My daughters LOVE lip balm! Chapstick, blistex, carmex..you name it. Even my "expensive" Nivea stuff.
Here's an easy way to let them have their own, and save!
I posted the Carefree coupon earlier, and told how you could get them for FREE at Tom Thumb, but there are a couple new additions I thought I would share, in case pantyliners are not your feminine hygiene item of choice. ;)
I'm trying very hard to keep tabs on my spending each week through out the year, and being away last week has thrown me off.
On Saturday, after we got back, I made a quick run to Aldi to stock back up on fresh foods. They had some amazing produce prices, and since we were down to just a few apples, I went crazy! Well, not too crazy, but I did end up spending $41.53, but that included toilet paper and a few snack items.
Apparently between then and today, when I had to return because I was out of milk, I also got amnesia. I seriously had no recollection of purchasing half the things I did saturday....like raisins....so those things were on my list again today, when I returned and spent another $34.82.
There is a brand new coupon out for $0.50 off any Carefree:
The Filling. |
Ready To Bake. |
I Always Make This In Batches To Freeze Some. |
We'd love to have you join our hop! Add your link below if you haven't already. Our new Dishing It Up website has info on upcoming recipe hops and how to add the linky list to your own post if you like! Please add a link back to the Dishing It Up website in your post (something like "This post is being linked up to the Dishing It Up Recipe Hop" is fine) so that others can find us too. The more people that find the hop, the more traffic you will get!
Here are a couple of new Crayola product coupons. Things like this make great non-candy Easter basket stuffers!
I wanted to give you guys an update on how my herb garden is growing.
If you recall I planted two pots each of basil, thyme, oregano, and cilantro.
Some pots it is hard to tell from the picture, but at least something has sprouted in each one.
This coupon just keeps appearing, and I love it (well my husband does! LOL). I've been able to get FREE or nearly FREE his favorite gummy bears with it.
And, it's back!
Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:
Split Chicken Breast $0.59/lb
Pork Stew Meat $1.29/lb
Pollock Fillet $1.19/lb (not our favorite fish to eat, but a very good price for fish)
Ground Beef 70% Lean $1.69/lb
*Wed Only* Chicken Leg Quarters $0.59/lb *Wed Only*
Yellow Onions 6lbs. for $1.00
Green Cabbage 5 lbs. for $1.00
Poblano Peppers 2 lbs. for $1.00
Small Oranges 7 for $1.00
Jalapenos 2 lbs. for $1.00
Kiwi 4 for $1.00
Cilantro 4 for $1.00
Green Beans $0.69/lb
Grapefruit 3 for $1
Small Red Apple 4 for $1
Mexican Squash $0.69/lb
Tomatillos $0.79/lb
Green Onions 2 for $1
*Thurs. Only* Pineaplle $0.89 *Thurs. Only*
Charmin basic 12 double roll or Bounty Basic 8 roll $3.99
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