Friday, July 27, 2012

HOT Glade Coupons

Glade coupons always make for great (soemtimes even FREE) drugstore deals.  Here are the coupons that are available right now:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some Of The Latest Printable Coupons

Here are some of the latest printable coupons that are available.  I have them listed for you by category.  If you click on any of them, it will pre-select that coupon for you, then you can scroll through the others and see what else's you'd like to print.

Meals & Snacks

Breakfast Favorites Personal Essentials Babies & Kids

Fiesta Deals 7/25-7/31

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:


Fryer Leg Quarters   $0.59/lb (Limit 2 w/ $10 purchase)

Country Style Pork Ribs  $1.29/lb  (Limit 2 w/$10 purchase)


Peaches  $0.79/lb

Plums  $0.79/lb

Mangos  $0.79/lb

Valencia Oranges  5 for $1

Kiwi 5 for $1

Bunch Spinach  $0.99 each

Cuncumbers   3 for $1

Yellow Onions  2lbs for $1

Red Potatoes   $0.69/lb

Lemons   5 for $1

El Rio Grande Deals 7/25-7/31

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:


Bar-S Bacon  $1.49 each

Whole Pork Leg  $1.00/lb

Chicken Split Breast (Skin On)   $0.79/lb

Ground Beef  $1.69/lb


White Onions   5lbs for $1

Mango  3 for $1

Green Cabbage  5lbs for $1

White Potatoes   2lbs for $1

Calabacita Squash   $0.69/lb

Tomatillo  $0.69/lb

Kiwi  4 for $1

5lb Russet Potatoes  $1.50

Cilantro  3 for $1

Cucumbers  3 for $1

Green Onions   2 for $1

Cauliflower  $1.69


10lb bag Parade Rice  $3.99  ($0.40/lb!)

Foca Laundry Detergent  33.8 oz   $0.99 each  (good price, anybody ever tried this kind?)

Cielito Paper Towels  3 for $1

Imperical Sugar  $1.99

Red or Yellow Tostadas  2 for $1  12oz.

El Rancho Deals 7/25-7/31

Here are the best prices I see advertised this week at El Rancho:


Chicken Breast   $1.29/lb

Pork chops (Sirloin Ham End)  $0.98/lb.

Ground Beef  $1.88/lb

Tilapia fillets   $2.59/lb

Catfish Nuggets  $1.59/lb

John Morrell Bacon  $1.77 each

JohnMorrell Hot Dogs  $0.77 each


White Onions   5lbs. for $1

Cantaloupe  $0.77

Roma Tomatoes   3lbs for $1

Jalapenos  $0.38/lb

Oranges   $0.38/lb

Green Onions   $0.38 each

Bananas  $0.38/lb

White Or Red Potatoes  $0.38/lb

Grapefruit  $0.38 each

Green Bell Peppers   $0.38 each

Large Red Apples   $0.38 each

Green Cabbage  $0.38/lb

Small Avocados   $0.38 each


18 ct. medium Eggs   $0.98 each

Aldi Deals 7/25-7/31

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week:

Grape Tomatoes  $0.69 each (pint)

Green Bell Peppers   $0.99 per 3-4 pack

Cucumbers   $0.33 each

Red Onions  $0.99 per 2lb bag

Mushrooms  $0.69 each package

12 oz. bag Salad  $0.59 each

FREE Uncrustables At Albertsons

This week, Albertsons has an in-ad coupon for Uncrustables for just $0.99 (limit 2).

Note:  This is an image from their website, but you need the actual coupon from the ad.

Use the $1.00/1 printable:

$1.00 off any Smuckers Uncrustables

Get up to 2 FREE!

Now this is an item I do not normally buy, since it is much cheaper to make my own, however, it doesn't get any cheaper than FREE!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

CVS Trip 7/22: FREE Kotex, M&Ms, and Amp

Made a quick trip to CVS this afternoon to pick up a few things.   I wanted to use my $2/1 Kotex from today's paper to get FREE Kotex, and I also wanted to get 2 Starbucks Refreshers for free after ECBs.  My store did not seem to carry then, however, so I opted for the Amp drinks in hopes that my husband will like them.  He's more of a Monster kinda guy....

I also got a nice surprise from the little red machine on the way in.  It printed a $1/2 Mars singles for me, and those happened to be on sale 2 for $1, so that meant 2 FREE candy!  My daughter was excited about that one!

I had $6 in ECBs to start with , so I needed one more item.  I decided to take my 6 year old along and let her pick out a new shade of Revlon nail polish.  (She is currently doing her nails as I type this--Glitz & Glam--AKA Red Glitter!.)  I used the $1/1 from this morning's paper, but it would not scan.   The cashier (obviously new) tried several times, and then called a manager who told him how.   However when he put it in, it didn't come off.  I knew it didn't because the total didn't change, and it was over $2 when the subtotal I had figured at home was just $0.99.

I went ahead and paid, and then examined my receipt once I walked outside, thinking maybe something had rung up wrong.  But, I was right and I was missing a $1 coupon.   I walked back in and showed him, and he and the manager pulled all of my coupons back out of the drawer and added them up, and found that I was right.   Instead of giving me back $1, they printed me an extra $1 ECB, which is fine by me, but be warned if you try to use that coupon that you may have issues with it.

Here's everything I got  (sorry blurry phone pic):

I left my receipt in the car so I'm not sure the total savings, but I paid $2.16 OOP originally, and I got back $6 in ECB plus the $1 from my coupon that didn't scan, so $7 ECBs total remaining for next time.

Friday, July 20, 2012 Fun Way To Reach Your Savings Goals

I just found out about this site called  I signed up right away and I wanted to share it with you, too.

I have not yet had a chance to play around with it much, but it is completely FREE, you answer a few questions about the goals that you have (be they saving money for a specific purchase or paying off debts), and the site will help you track your progress and keep up with your goals.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Have You Printed These Coupons Yet?

Here are some of the most popular printables.  That means they may not be around long, so make sure you print them if you need them!

Breakfast Favorites

Meals at Home Around the House Babies & Kids

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fiesta Deals 7/11-7/17

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:


Fryer Breast Quarters  $0.99/lb  (Limit 2 with $10 purchase)

Country Style Pork Ribs   $1.29/lb  (Limit 2 with $10 purchase)

Beef Shoulder Steaks  $2.19/lb  (Limit 2 with $10 purchase)


Cherries  $1.98/lb

Blueberries   $1.99 each pint

Large Mangos   $0.69 each

Kiwi  5 for $1

Bunch Spinach  $0.99 each


Danonino yogurt  $1.77 each

El Rio Grande Deals 7/11-7/17

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:


Jennie O Turkey Franks 3lb.  $1.99  (while supplies last)

Chicken Drumsticks  $0.69/lb

Pork Stew Meat  $1.29/lb


White Onions   5lbs for $1

Small Avocados   5 for $1

Roma Tomatoes   $0.79/lb

Green Cabbage   2lbs. for $1

Cantaloupe  $1.50 each

Red Grapes  $1.79

Cilantro  3 for $1

Small Red Apples  4 for $1

Cucumbers  3 for $1


Imperial Sugar  $1.99 (Limit 2 with $10 purchase)

El Rancho Deals 7/11-7/17

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rancho this week:


Chicken Breast   $1.29/lb

Sirloin Ham End Pork Chops   $0.99/lb

John Morrell Bacon   $1.77

John Morrell Hot Dogs  $0.77

Catfish Nuggets  $1.69/lb


Mangoes    3 for $1

Watermelon   6lbs. for $1

Roma Tomatoes  3lbs for $1

Jalapeno  3lbs. for $1

Lettuce  $0.88

Cantaloupe   $0.97 each

White Onions  3lbs for $0.99

Red Plums  $0.97/lb

Cilantro  4 for $0.98

Oranges  10 for $0.99

Aldi Deals 7/11-7/17

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week:

Meat Special Buy:

Tyson Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs  $1.49/lb  (1.9lb average weight = ~ $3 per pack)


Peaches, Plums, Nectarines   $0.25 each

Pineapple   $1.19

Strawberries   $0.99

Honeydew   $1.29

Blueberries   $1.29

Cherries   $1.49 per 1lb. package

Monday, July 9, 2012

Kroger Trip 7/9: Freezer Bags and $0.19 Milk

After my large Albertsons trip this afternoon, I made a quick run into Kroger, which is just down the street.   They had a stock up price on Hefty freezer bags, and if you do any freezer cooking, you need freezer bags.  I had ran out and had been buying one pack at a time at Aldi as the need arose.   I would often not realize I was down to my last few bags, and I just don't like to live that way!

I grabbed some of those, and picked up a few things that I had free coupons for from Purex and BzzAgent promotions.  I also picked up a gallon of milk while I was there.  It was on sale for $2.19, which is the same price at Aldi.  

Here's what I bought:

Everything except for the milk:

Shelf Price:  $50.21

Sale Price:  $27.99  Already 44% Savings

Price Paid After Coupons:  $6.26   88% Savings

Plus I got back a $2 off my next order coupon.

Because I knew I would be getting this back, and I haven't been going to Kroger very regularly (since they stopped doubling coupons....), I chose to pay for my milk in a separate transaction, and use this coupon to pay for it, so it only cost me $0.19!

Altogether today at Kroger, I paid $6.45 for $53.20 worth!

Albertsons Trip 7/9 75% Savings

I had not been shopping with coupons in a very, very long time.   I was beginning to run out of things I normally have plenty of in my pantry, and I noticed that Albertsons was having a pretty good sale this week.

I spent a very long time going through all of my coupons, and I'm pretty sure that the people being me in line were thinking very not nice things about me, but I'm ok with that.   I saved nearly $90!  When you are saving $90, I don't think it much matters what other people are thinking.

Here's what I got:

Total Shelf Price:   $120.41
Total Sale Price:    $62.83  Already 48% Savings!
Price Paid After Coupons:    $30.54    75% Savings!

I even used a coupon on the steaks!  $2 off when I bought 3 Kikkoman.   I also got a $1 off my next purchase for buying Kikkoman!

After this trip, we changed up the menu a little bit, and had steaks and tonight with a side of Suddenly Salad! ;)  I ended up paying just $4.14 for the whole pack or about $2/lb for petite sirloins.  It was a tasty treat!

My girls got to the groceries before I could put them away.   They made a castle for their unicorns.  The Ozarka bottles are supposed to be a sound sensor that lets them know when predators are approaching their castle.  My girls are a trip!  And they might want to check their sensors, because I think a tiger got in...

New Glade Coupons

This morning there are a bunch of Glade coupons available.   There are always sales on these and often you can get things for FREE, especially at the drug stores, so if you use these items, you'll want to print them:

Experimenting With Chicken (& Some Leftovers)

On last week's menu, I intended to break out my rotisserie and cook a chicken on Saturday.  Then I saw another blogger's menu which had a recipe for crock pot rotisserie chicken.  

I love rotisserie chicken.  I hate my rotisserie.  In fact, I don't even know how to get the chicken in there, and as I don't even like touching raw meat that much to begin with, so that is a husband job.  And if you know my husband's work schedule (which thankfully he is having a short reprieve from at the moment) that just doesn't happen very often.

So, you can imagine I was intrigued when I saw this crock pot idea.  I even read lots of comments from others that they always made theirs that way.   I googled and I found a plethora of ways that it should be off, skin on, breast down, breast up, flat on the bottom, sitting atop a bed of foil balls to lift it above the grease, sitting above a bed of foil wrapped potatoes which bake along with went on and on.

Finally I saw one post (that I can't even find again now or I would link to it) that said she put hers on top of celery and onions.  She never said that she did anything with them afterwards, but a nice soup stock immediately flashed in my mind!

So here's what we did.  We sliced up some celery and lined the bottom of the crockpot.  And also the last of a bag of baby carrots.

My husband injected the chicken with italian dressing like he always does when we rotisserie.  Then we placed it in the crockpot with the skin on, because that's just how we roll, and breast down, because he said it would be juicier that way.  Then I sprinkled some seasoning atop the bird and closed the lid.

It cooked on high for about 5 hours.   I could not get a picture of the cooked bird because, well, it completely fell apart when we lifted it out.

However, it was quite delicious, in pieces though it was.  Oh well, we were going to have to shred it for the kids anyhow....   This was sooo easy to do, I don't think I will ever go back to my rotisserie again.  In fact, I think I might sell it!

We ate chicken, and stuffing, and green beans on Saturday night.  Then I pulled the rest of the chicken off the bones (not a hard task in the least), and I put the bones and skin and celery back into the crockpot with the juices that had cooked out and filled it up with water.   I let it cook on low overnight and all day long until just before dinner on Sunday.   Then I scooped all the solid stuff out and poured the broth into a container to freeze once it cooled.  It will make a delicious soup!

We still had the remaining meat from the chicken, so we tossed some on a salad  (details of the salad coming soon!)

We've *still* got some chicken left, too!  And also some lettuce, so I think we're going to make some wraps for lunch!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Menu Plan 7/9-7/15

I know it's hard to believe but I actually have my menu plan made for the week already (dinners at least).

I finally feel like I'm getting back into the swing of things around here after my trip.   I even got my coupons in order and went to CVS earlier today and have planned out trips to both Albertsons and Kroger in the morning!  It's been so long since I've done a coupon shopping trip, I think I might have forgotten how so wish me luck!

If you recall, last week we grilled a ton of meat and froze it, and we also still have a lot of other cooked food in the freezer.  There wasn't any meat on sale this ad week that I wanted to buy, so I didn't.  My husband and I decided that we would just pull out stuff from the freezer to eat this week, and use up some of the older stuff that is in there, even if it is soup in July.

So here is what we will be eating this week:

Monday:  Chicken Pot Pie

Tuesday:  Pork Stew

Wednesday:  Ham & Potato Soup

Thursday:  Chicken Soup

Friday:   Pork Chops

Saturday:   Spaghetti

Sunday:  Gumbo

What's on your menu this week?

CVS Trip 7/8: $0.07 OOP

I made a trip to CVS this afternoon.  First off, its been a really long time since I've been to CVS.  One of my ECBs was actually a few days expired, but they let me use it without any trouble.  I also had a $3/$15 that I had gotten by email that I had to use today.

There wasn't a whole lot in the ad that I really was interested in, except for the free chocolate, which sadly my store had not gotten in stock yet.

Here's what I ended up getting:

5 drinks @ $1 each  (Got back $1 ECB)
Neosporin @ $9.79  (used $2/1 from 6/10 RP)  (Got $3 ECB for spending $7--there were cheaper options)
Bic Soliel Savvy  @ $6.79  (used $3/1)  (Got $2 ECB)
Dove (to cover overage)  $0.99

Used $3/$15
Used $5 ECB and $9.50 ECB

Paid $0.07 OOP     99.7% Savings and I got back $6 in ECBs.

Then, when I went back to my van, there was $0.30 just lying on the ground by my door.  I guess that means I made $0.23 today?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fiesta Deals 7/4-7/10

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Fiesta this week:


Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast  $1.59/lb  (limit 2 with $10 purchase)

Pork Brisket Portions  $0.99/lb  (limit 2 with $10 purchase)

Pork Steak  $1.99/lb


Cherries  $1.99/lb

Peaches  $0.79/lb

Blueberries  $1.99 each (pint)

Kiwi  5 for $1

Lettuce  (green, red, romaine)  $0.99 each


2lb bag Fiesta Rice (white or brown)  $0.79 each  (that's $0.40/lb!  best price I usually see is $0.50/lb!)

Kids Yoplait Yogurt 4 pack   $1.49

El Rio Grande Deals 7/4-7/10

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rio Grande this week:


Marinated Chicken Leg Quarters  $0.69/lb

Marinated Beef Short Ribs   $1.99/lb

Pork Picnic Roast  $1.00/lb


Jalapeno   3lbs. for $1

Small Oranges  10 for $1

Small Watermelon  $1.99

White Onions   3 lbs. for $1

Mangoes  2 for $1

Radish  2 bunches for $1

Green Cabbage  3lbs for $1

Celery  $0.59 each !!STOCK UP PRICE!! (chop and freeze)

Cucumbers   3 for $1

Carrots 1lb bags  2 for $1

Red Potatoes  2lbs for $1

Peaches   $0.89/lb

El Rancho Deals 7/4-7/10

Here are the best prices I see advertised at El Rancho this week:


Chicken Drumsticks   $0.66/lb.

Center Cut Pork Ribs  $0.99/lb.

Eckrich Sausage 42 oz.  $3.98  Limit 2 with $10 purchase.


Avocados  5 for $1

Seedless Watermelon  5lbs for $1

Roma Tomatoes  3lbs. for $1

Corn  3 for $1

Cilantro  4 for $1

Peaches  $0.87/lb

Mangoes   3 for $0.99

Green Grapes  $1.29/lb.

Plums   $0.79/lb.

Cantaloupe  $0.89/lb.

Pineapple  $1.47 each.

Aldi Deals 7/4-7/10

Here are the best prices I see advertised at Aldi this week  (Aldi is closed on July 4th):

Mushrooms   $0.79 each for 8oz package

Grape Tomatoes  $0.79/pint

Baking Potatoes  $0.99 for 5lb bag

Multi Colored Peppers  $1.49 for 3 pack  (red, yellow, orange)

Yellow Onions   $0.75 per 3lb bag

Zucchini  $0.49 for 1lb package

Monday, July 2, 2012

Menu Plan 7/2

I'm trying to jump right back into the swing of things now that I'm back home.  Last night, I took some cooked and shredded chicken out of my freezer and made 4 chicken pot pies (and one more meal worth of filling that I didn't have a pie shell for.  We ate one last night and the rest are in the freezer  (one will be going to a friend from church who had a baby while we were out of town).

I've got my freezer pretty well stocked with meat that I haven't had a chance to cook yet, so I plan on taking full advantage of having my husband off for several weeks and get my freezer stocked with cooked things before the new school year arrives.

This week, we are grilling up a bunch of meat to freeze cooked.  (Thanks for the idea, Cricket!)  This is going to not only save on time, but also charcoal.  It is such a hassle to heat up the grill and uses so much charcoal so one meal.  We've got lots of chicken and pork chops in the freezer, so I'm going to thaw them all and he is going to grill them all at once.  Then we'll just have to heat them up!

Here's my plan:

Monday:  Pork Stew (I took inventory of my freezer this morning and found 6 of these!)
Tuesday:  Grilled chicken
Wednesday:  Grilled Pork Chops
Thursday:  Ham and Potato Soup  (still trying to go through all the soup I have frozen.  I know it's not a "summer meal", but we all love soups, so we don't mind.)
Friday:  Catfish
Saturday:  Rotisserie Chicken  (homemade)
Sunday:  Leftovers  (will use the remainder of the chicken and come up with something!)

This menu plan will use up a lot of the meat I have in my freezer, putting some of it back in pre-cooked.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

New Month, New Coupons!

Well, there was only one coupon insert in the paper this morning, but since it happens to be the first of the month, we are in luck!

Here's the huge list of new coupons available this morning.  There are also many others still available, so browse around and print any that you need:

$1.00 off Comet Cleaning Product
$1.00 off on any Comet Stainless Steel
$2.00 off Degree Women Clinical Protection
$1.00 off TWO Breyers products
$3.00 off Osteo Bi-Flex item 80ct or larger
$0.50 off 32 OZ. Mountain High Yoghurt
$1.00 off FRESCHETTA Pizza 14 oz. or Larger
$1.00 off LACTAID Dietary Supplement
$2.00 off any TUCKS products
$0.50 off 2 boxes Fruit Flavored Snacks
$0.50 off 1 box Fiber One Chewy Bars
$0.50 off 1 BOX Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies
$0.40 off 1 box Fiber One Chewy Bars
$0.50 off 2 boxes Nature Valley Granola Bars
$0.50 off 1 BOX Nature Valley Protein Bars
$0.75 off Fiber One Nutty Clusters Cereal
$1.00 off 2 General Mills Kid Cereals
$0.75 off Apple Cinnamon Chex cereal
$0.50 off ONE BOX Honey Nut Cheerios cereal
$0.50 off ONE BOX Reese's Puffs cereal
$0.75 off TWO Yoplait Kid products
$0.50 off TWO Yoplait Greek yogurts
$0.50 off select Bisquick products
$0.40 off SIX Yoplait Yogurts
$1.00 off Any ONE Hot Shot Insecticide product
$1.00 off one Newman's Own T&C Pizza

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