Sunday, May 30, 2010

Garden Update

It has been a long time since I posted about my garden.  But, it is finally being productive. =)  I took these pictures a few days back, and I have since picked 3 whole green beans and a handful of peas (and, and there is about that same amount that should be ready to pick tomorrow.  Not a lot, I know, but it is fun, and my daughter loves watching the plants grow.   She can't wait until there are enough green beans to cook them.

My green beans.
Sugar peas.
Cantaloupe blooms.  No fruit yet, and praying the birds and squirrels don't eat them all this time around. Anyone have tips to stop that? 
Something already ate my poor broccoli. =(

Kroger Trip

Whew! I've had a pretty busy past few days.  I'm sure you can tell by the lack of posting.  Yesterday, I did a lot of shopping, some with coupons, and some without.  I got some pretty good deals mingled in with a lot of stuff I needed around here, but after getting a haircut with my 4 year old, and doing Target, Aldi, (home for dinner), bank, 99cent store, and Tom Thumb, I just was not up to the whole arranging everything and taking a picture.

But today is a new day.  After church I had a little nap, and then at 3:20pm I realized that Kroger's pharmacy closed at 4pm instead of 6pm, so I grabbed up my coupons and rushed out the door.  There was a coupon in the ad this week to get a $25 credit (they load it on your shopper card) when you transfer a prescription, so ....we transferred a prescription. =)

I picked up the meds first, and the pharmacist told me that they did not load up immediately, so it probably wouldn't be there when I checked out today.  I was kinda bummed about that, but when I checked out it was on there already.  Yay!

I had told you about the deal to get Oscar Mayer hotdogs for $0.50.  Well, it gets even better!  I had 4 of the coupons, so I started grabbing 8 packs of hotdogs, and when I got to some in the back I noticed they had little blue peelie stickers on them, so of course I stopped to read it.  It was a coupon to get a free pack of Kool Aid Fizzies when you bought two Oscar Mayer hot dogs, so I made sure I got four packs that had the coupon on it, and I came home with 8 packs of cheap hotdogs, plus 4 free packs of Kool-Aid Fizzies!

I also took advantage of a Huggies deal they have going on, where you get $3 off instantly at the register when you buy $15 worth of Huggies products, along with some of the great Huggies coupons that have been on recently.  I got 4 packs of wipes and a pack of Little Swimmers.

Here is a picture of everything I came home with today.

Shelf Price:                 $102.75
Sale Price Before Coupons:  $58.25
Price After Coupons:      $25.45
What I paid after the Pharmacy Reward:    $0.93!!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

No Coupon Inserts Tomorrow

Usually on holidays, there are no coupon inserts in the Sunday paper.  With Monday being Memorial Day, none are scheduled to come this weekend.  I would still glance through there though if you do get a paper because sometimes a store will sneak one in there, or there may be a few in the Parade magazine.  I have found inserts from Target or Kroger on holiday weekends before.

Personally my desk is being overrun with unsorted coupons, and I have had a  tremendously busy week (ok, ok...latter half of a week), so I will enjoy the break so I can get back on top of things.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend!  I will certainly enjoy my husband having an extra day off. =)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Earn Mega Swagbucks on Fridays

Remember that Fridays are Mega Swagbucks days, and your earning potential from searches is multiplied, so get ready to search and win.  The end of the month is also drawing near, so if you wish to redeem some swagbucks for a gift card, you must do it before then, or you will not recieve it until June 17th.  I am hoping to win alot tomorrow, since I am still short of reaching my $5 Amazon card this time.

If you do not have a swagbucks account, you can register for one here.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Check Now!

As I was typing up the Kroger Deals that I had worked out yesterday, I went back to find some of the coupons that I printed just yesterday on, and they are no longer there.  There were also a lot of new ones.  I am about to have to leave here to take my baby in for her check-up, so I don't have time to sort through them all now, but I suggest you go there NOW and check them out since it is approaching the end of the month and the new ones may not be there very long.

A Few More Kroger Deals

Yesterday I told you about $0.88 Wheat Thins and $0.50 Oscar Mayer hot dogs at Kroger this week.  There are a few more great deals that I noticed as well.

  • 8oz. Kroger Shredded/Block cheeses                     4 for $5
  • Sweet Baby Rays BBQ Sauce                               $1
    • Use $1 off 1 coupon from 5/23 SS ==FREE
  • Lifesavers bagged candy                                         $1
    • There *was* a $0.50/1 at that would double to make this free.  I got one of those before I saw this deal, and when I went back to get another copy yesterday it had changed to a $1/2 coupon which makes them $0.50 each.  But if you got the original one..FREE!!
  • Sauve Men's Shampoo/Conditioner           $1.67
    • Use $0.50/1 from 5/23 RP (doubles) = $0.67
  • Rotel Tomatoes                                         $0.92
    • I had a $1/3 that I had gotten in a coupon booklet that came in the mail.  Maybe you got it too?
  • Kraft Dressings are $2 and I have heard several reports that there is a catalina deal going on with these (though they seem to be cheaper in other parts of the country making it a better deal).
    • There was a $0.55/1 coupon on does not seem to be available anymore, bt you might want to check your zipcode...that makes them $1.45 each (not great in my opinion, but good if you need some)
    • Also, if you buy 2, you get a $1 catalina coupon back, buy 3 and get $2, buy 4 and get $3.
  • Coppertone Suncare is Buy 2 Get one Free, including the water babies.
    • There was a $2/1 coupon on (gone now also).  If you have 2 computers, you can print 3 of this to use for this deal, but the prices are not listed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New Red Gold Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $0.50/2 cans of Red Gold tomatoes.  If your store doubles this should make a great deal.  I will be on the look out for a sale.

Free Samples from Kroger

The Kroger website has some new free samples listed here.  Kroger card number is optional.

They have had the Prilosec sample available for quite some time now, but today I noticed two more new ones.  There is a link to get a sample of Orville Redenbacher Cheddar Cheese popcorn.  I was able to request that one. 

There was also a link that said you could request two  free samples of Kraft Sandwich Shop Mayo, but when I tried that one this morning it said that that link was not available.  If anyone tries this and is able to get the mayo, let us know that it is working again.

Oscar Mayer Hot Dog Deal has a coupon for $1.00 off any two Oscar Mayer Hot Dog products.  Use this coupon at either Kroger or Tom Thumb (with in-ad coupon) this week to get them for $0.49 each.  Both stores have them on sale for just $0.99.  Buy two for $1.98, use the coupon, and each pack will be $0.49. =)  You can print the coupon twice per computer, so if you have more than one computer, print even more.  That is a great stock up price, and hot dogs freeze well.

The Albertson's ad also has a coupon to buy one pack of Oscar Mayer hot dogs and get two free.  It says limit 1 coupon per transaction, so I take that to mean you may only buy 3 packs total.  You could pay for the one pack, and get two free using the store coupon, and then get $1 off the price of the first using the coupon above, but it does not state the prices, so I am not sure if this works out to be a better deal or not.  If anyone goes there and tries it, let us know.

Wheat Thins Coupon and Kroger Deal

When you "like" Wheat Thins on facebook, scroll down the left sidebar to find a link to print a coupon for $1.00 off any one Wheat Thins snack.  I had printed this one before, and went to the page wondering if it was still available.  It was and it let me print two more coupons, so I guess it resets periodically.  The ones I printed today do not expire until 7/20/2010.

I was looking for this coupon because Kroger has Wheat Thins, which are one of my favorite snacks, on sale for just $1.88 this week.  Use this coupon to get a box for only $0.88!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

El Rancho Deals 5/26-6/1

I'm pretty sure I will be making a trip over to El Rancho this week.  They have some great deals on things i need.  Here are some of the best deals I see:

  • 3lb. pk Eckrich Smoked Sausage                    $3.98 each (limit 1 w/ $10 purchase)
  • Chicken Leg Quarters (10lb bag)                    $0.39/lb  (limit 1 bag w/ $10 purchase)
  • 12 pack Coca Cola Products                          $3 for $8.88 (limit 3 w/ $10 purchase)
  • Medium Eggs                                                  3 dozen for $1 (limit 3 dz. w/ $10 purchase)
  • 4lb. bag Imperial Sugar                                   $0.98 each (limit 1 w/ $10 purchase)
  • Corn on the Cob                                            4 for $1
  • Hunts Ketchup 24oz                                       $0.99
  • Parade Saltine Crackers                                 $0.88
  • Parade Aluminum Foil                                    $0.88
  • Paper Towels                                                 2 for $1
  • Ground Beef                                                  $1.58/lb 
  • Green Bell Peppers                                         4 for $1
  • Peaches                                                         $0..78/lb
  • Watermelon                                                   2 for $3 (looks like the personal ones)    

Aldi Deals 5/26-6/1

Aldi has some great deals on produce starting tomorrow.  This makes me sad because I was just there yesterday.  But nothing says I can't go back. =)  Anyways, here is what they have advertised:

  • Sweet Corn                               $1.19/pk
  • Watermelon                               $2.99 each (the ones I saw yesterday were nice sized too)
  • Baking Potatoes                         $0.69/5lb. bag
  • Blueberries                                 $1.49/pint
  • 3lb. bag frozen chicken breasts   $5.49   (thats $1.83/lb)
  • 8ct. Hamburger/Hot Dog buns    $0.75 each

Not advertised, but the last two times I have been in there I have noticed a couple prices had dropped:  Milk has been $1.69/gallon, and eggs have been $0.75.dozen. (They were $1.79, and $0.89)  These both state on the package that they are hormone and steroid free, too!

Swag Code Alert

Check your toolbars for a swagcode worth 4 points that expires at 1:30 Pacific time.  It is Central time here, so is that 3:30?

Another way to Earn Online: InboxDollars

I have added a new entry to the Making Money Online page.  I have listed, which is a site I have been a member of for quite some time.  The site offers a variety of ways to earn money, from paid emails, games, and surveys to cash back for completing offers and shopping through their portal.  You even get a $5 sign up bonus.  Depending on what you participate in on the site, you can earn either fast or slow.  I earn slow, since I usually only do the paid emails.  But, I am almost to the $30 payout level for the second time now, so I know that the money actually does come.  You do have to remain active on the site for 30 days after requesting the check before they will send it though.

One word of advice:  If you do choose to sign up for sites such as these, and other survey sites that I will list in the future, I suggest having a seperate email account specifically for this purpose so your other emails do not get lost in the mix.  You can set up a free online account with,, or

Free Crystal Light Samples from VocalPoint is offering a free sample pack of Crystal Light Pure Fitness drink mix to its members.   To request your sample pack, click here.  Samples will arrive in 4-6 weeks.

If you are not a member of Vocalpoint, the link will also have an option to register.  I highly recommend registering with this site.  It is an opinion community for Proctor and Gamble products.  I have received full sized Pantene shampoo from them, as well as several sample packs by mail for me to try and they always contain several HIGH value coupons to use or share with friends.  They will periodically email out short surveys (like 4 questions), and these sometimes help you qualify to get the sample packs when they are available.  Plus the site has a lot of helpful tips, and frequently has samples to request.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Free Sample of Ritz Crackerfuls

When you "like" Ritz Crackers on Facebook, go to the Open for Fun tab and scroll to the bottom.  You will see a link to request a free sample of Bacon and Cheddar Crackerfuls.  I window will pop up for you to input your mailing address.  It says that quantities are limited so request yours soon!

Huggies Coupons for Little Swimmers Pants and Sunscreen

I recently received an email from Huggies that had two coupons attached to it.  One was for $1.00 off a package of Huggies Little Swimmers swim pants.  You can get that one here.  The other was for $1.50 off a bottle of Huggies little Swimmers sunscreen.  You can get that one here.  They are both bricks coupons, so you can print them twice if you need to.  The email also stated that specially marked packs of the swim diapers at Target would include a free sunscreen sample.

On a related note, all that came in my mailbox today was a Huggies coupon mailer, and these same two coupons were included in it along with the normal coupons for diapers and wipes. 

Nestle Refrigerated Cookie Dough Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $1.00 off one package of Nestle Toll House Refrigerated Cookie Dough.  I have seen these go on sale for $2 so they would only be $1 after coupon.  I will keep an eye out for a sale to use this coupon with.  This cookie dough is soooo good.  I highly recommend the fudge filled Ultimates one. =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Colgate Wisp Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $0.50 off one Colgate Wisp 4ct. or larger.  This is not a bricks coupon, so it will only print once.  This may make a good deal if your store doubles.

All You June Coupons

Ok, I know, I know.  I promised you these a while back.  Then I had houseguests for 2 weeks and I never got a chance to type them up.  Well, I still didn't type them up.  I found a list of all of them on their website.  This same list is on the back of the first page of every magazine, so if you happen to walk by them in Walmart, just stop and pick it up for a second and skim through the list to see what all is there.  It even lists page numbers where you can find them.

I think it's worth clicking over there just to check out the sheer number of coupons available in this magazine if you've never seen one before.  Plus their website is VERY helpful.  They have exclusive coupons, recipes, and many many helpful tips.  I plan on spending some time browsing through their recipes soon.  I need some new dinner ideas.

ConAgra Rebate from All You

I just found a new mail in rebate offer advertised on  When you purchase $10 worth of any participating ConAgra food products, you can submit the form to recieve $25 worth of coupons by mail.  There are a lot of different brands to choose from, so this should not be difficult to do.  Also, you have until 8/15/2010 to purchase the products, and have until 8/30 to have it postmarked.  The offer began on 5/6, so check your receipts!  You may have already fullfilled teh requirements.  You also may submit multiple receipts from multiple stores.

Huggies Wipes Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $2.00 off 2 packs of Huggies Wipes.  It is a bricks coupon, so hit the back button and print it twice.

Thanks Amber.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Page: Making Money Online

I have had people ask me about some things that I have posted about, such as Swagbucks, and also other ways that I earn online.  I decided to make a page on my site dedicated to this topic.  Right now, there are only two sites listed: and  I will add more to it as I have time.

I have also placed buttons to these sites on the left side bar of the page, and will add to them as I add to the page.  If you want to read more about them, you can always access the page by clicking on the Making Money Online link on the top right side of the page.

For those of you who get this page by email, here is what the page says: (sorry the links did not paste, so click to the page if you wish to visit the sites) is a survey company that will email you screener surveys to see if you qualify for longer surveys. They thing I like most about them is that even their screeners pay out a few points. They have just revamped their rewards system, so there are alot more items you can claim with your earned points. It used to be only checks. is a search and win site powered by Google. Each time you search through their portal or their toolbar (get the toolbar!!!!) you have a chance to win Swagbucks which can be redeemed for prizes. They also release Swag Codes routinely, which can be entered on the site for specified amounts of Swagbucks. I am using mine to get gift certificates to use to purchase Christmas presents. I have been averaging about $10/month lately. Just for searching the web like I normally do, I think thats not too shabby. =)

New Coupon for Quaker Oatmeal

There is a new coupon available on the Walmart website for $1 off any Quaker instant oatmeal, or Quick Oats or Old Fashioned Oats.  It is a manufacturer coupon, so it can be used anywhere.  It is also a bricks coupon, so hit the back button and print it twice.  My baby loves oatmeal for breakfast, so I will be looking for a sale on these. 

Printable Coupon Page Updated

We all know that there are a lot of printable coupons to be found around the internet, but remembering where to find them can be troublesome.  I want this page to be as helpful to everyone reading it as possible, so I have compiled a list of places where you can get printable coupons.  I am sure I've left some out, and if you know of others please leave a comment and let us all know and I can update the page for everyone.

I recently realized that my printable coupons page was lacking a very important site!  Target.  The Target website always has a good selection of printable coupons, some store coupons and some manufacturer coupons.  I do not know how I overlooked this one when I originally made the page, but it is now listed along with the others.  You can find them all here with links to each page, and you can always find them under the printable couponslink on the top right sidebar.  Hope this is very helpful for everyone.

Friday, May 21, 2010

New Feature on Amazon and some Free Kindle Downloads

I just went to check on Amazon to see if there were any new free Kindle books, and when I clicked on the bestsellers list under Kindle Books, two collumns popped up.  There was a paid bestseller list and a free bestseller list.  That will make it very easy to see if there are new free books.  Here are a few I saw:

Executive Privelege

Rage of Angels

Every Thought Captive
Battling the Toxic Beliefs That Separate Us from the Life We Crave

Get up to $10.50 in Arm and Hammer Coupons

Arm and Hammer has several valuable coupons available on their website.  Click here to print them. 

Coupons for Dove Products

The Dove website has two coupons available here (they are bricks, so print twice).  You must be signed up for their email newsletter...but that's a good thing because that is how they let you know about the coupons.

You can get a coupon for $1.50 off any Dove Anti-perspirant/Deoderant or Body Mist.  The Ultimate line is pictured, but the coupon states ANY with no size restrictions.

Also, there is a coupon for $1.25 off any Dove Body Wash 10oz. or larger.

These are high value coupons, and may make a great deal at CVS or Walgreens.

You could also pair these up with a $1.00 off a Dove Personal Care Target Store coupon available here.

I Now Have a Facebook Page

I have finally made a facebook page for my blog.  I am really excited about it because there are a lot of deals that are so time sensitive that by the time I would right a blod post up, they will be over, so I can post those on facebook, and if you "like" my page they will show up in your feed.  I have placed a link to the facebook page on the left-hand side of the page, so go check it out!

New Country Crock Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $0.40 off any Country Crock product.  It is a bricks coupon, so click the back button and print it twice.  If your store doubles, this will make a good deal.  The small tubs go on sale for $1, so I have used this coupon to get them for $0.20 after doubling.  I'll let you know if I see a sale.

Buddig Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $1 off 5 of the small 2oz packets of Buddig lunch meat.  It is a bricks coupon, so hit the back button and print it twice.

Last time I had a couple of these coupons, I was able to pair them up with a buy one get one free sale at Kroger.  I purchased 10 packs, which normally retailed for $0.89 each.  Half rang up free as the sale price, and then I was able to use two of these coupons since 10 of them passed through the register.  I ended up paying less than $0.25/ pack, and was able to get a variety of flavors that way.  I'll keep an eye out for a sale on these and let you know if I spot one.

New V-8 Fusion Coupon

Click here to print a coupon for $1 off one bottle of V-8 Fusion.  It is a bricks coupon, so hit the back button and print it twice.

Cascade Printable Coupons

There are a few coupons for Cascade brand products available here.  You can get $0.50 off the gel, action packs, or rinse aid.   This should make a good deal paired with a sale if your store doubles.

Sunday Coupon Preview

It looks like we can be expecting two coupon inserts this weekend, a Red Plum and a SmartSource.  You can check out exactly what should be included by going here.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Friday is Mega Swagbucks Day

Don't forget that on Fridays you have the chance to win more Swagbucks  just by performing web searches.  If you have not registered with Swagbucks, you may do so by going here.

Shopping Trip: Kroger and Tom Thumb

I have not gotten got much lately with two rounds of family visiting back to back, but today I decided to take advantage of willing baby sitters and make a trip to the stores.  I took my 19 year old sister in law with me because she wanted to watch me shop.  I didn't seperate the items I bought at each store, so here is what I came home with all together.

Total Shelf Price:  $105.15
Total Sale Price:  $69.10
Total Spent After Coupons:  $16.14
Savings of 85%

I'm Still Here

I know I've kinda disappeared  for a few days.  Saturday was my daughter's birthday and I have had family visiting.  I also had to put my laptop back in the shop because they sent it back to me with no sound.  I just wanted to write a quick post to let you know that I was still around.  I was also having some trouble getting some things on my old template to work right, so I have found a new template and my blog has a whole new look.  Have a look arond and let me know if you notice anything not working.

I took my sister-in-law on a grocery shopping adventure today, so I have a post about that coming up. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

I *think* my comments are working now.

So, a good friend of mine let me know that my blog wasn't allowing people to post comments since I changed the template recently.  I decided to try changing a setting to see if it worked, and it seems to have fixed it.  If you leave a comment, a small pop-up window will now appear for you to type in, which is not my favorite but its better than nothing I suppose. =)  So, somebody try leaving me a comment to see if it works.  Thanks.

Free Sample of Playtex Gentle Glide is offering free samples of Playtex Gentle Glide tampons.  You may choose from two varieties, including the new Ultra.  Sample will arrive in 4-6 weeks.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sunday Coupon Preview

Looks like there will be three coupon inserts coming this week.  Click here to go check out what you can expect.

Look What My Mommy Brought Me...

My Shopping Trips Yesterday

When my husband got home yesterday, I went SHOPPING.  My family is getting here tonight and it was *supposed* to be raining all night and all day today, so I didnt want to drag the girls out in the rain.  (I haven't seen the first drop of rain)  I'm really glad I went though, because my ankle is killing me today, so I have not finished cleaning my house. 
In all, I went to three stores:  CVS, Walgreens, and Aldi.

First at CVS, here is what I got:

I had $10 extra bucks to start with, and I ended up spending $8.80 and I got back $13.49 in extra bucks to use next time.  There was also a bottle of frappuccino that is not pictured =P  Also that magazine will have its own blog post coming soon.  it is called Reinventing Beauty and is put out by CVS and contains CVS store coupons that can be stacked with manufacturer coupons, plus it only costs $0.99.  I'll tell you all about what is in it soon.  Check near the front registers at your store.  That is where I found it.

Next up, I went to Walgreens.  This is not one of my favorite stores to shop at (probably because I used to work there), but they had a good sale on some meds my husband needs, and the new Schick Hydro razor.  Each produced a $5 register reward, which I turned around and used on some salt packets for my neti pot.  I threw in a pack of straws that we needed that were on coupon in their ad for $0.50, so that second transaction only cost me $0.49.

From there, I went to Aldi to get some groceries.  Since they are opening alot of new stores in Texas, we had gotten a flyer in the mail about a new location in Rockwall, and the flyer had a coupon for $10 off a $40 purchase.  My total for all of this came out to $45.59, so I paid $35.59 for all of it after the coupon deducted.

In the Mail

Here is some stuff I got in the past two days:  Two pull-ups from costca (??), suave shampoo from, free Neti Pot from their facebook page (it said you could not recieve both the rinse bottle and the neti pot, but I did get them both), coupon for free Kraft cheesy explosion, and my All You magazine!!! filled with over $100 worth of coupons.  I have not had a chance to flip through it yet, but I will have a post on that soon too.  I also got a coupon (randomly) from CVS for a new Huggies diaper product that looks like blue jeans.  How cute is that for summer?

Friday is Mega Swagbucks Day

Look what I just won!  So close to my next $5 Amazon certificate.  My husband and I have decided to save up our Amazon money to use on Christmas presents.  I have nearly $25 right now, so I'm interested to see how much I will have by Christmas.

Anyways...I just wanted to remind you guys that Fridays are Mega Swagbucks day.  That means that the amount of Swagbucks you can win may be increased.  Rumor has it that winning up to 200 swagbucks with a single search is possible on fridays, whereas on other days the max is 50.  

If you haven't signed up with Swagbucks yet, you can do so here.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lysol Brand Coupons

There are several coupons available for Lysol brand products here.  This is what they have:

$1.00 OFF LYSOL® NEUTRA AIR® Sanitizing Spray


$1.00 OFF 2 LYSOL® Disinfecting Wipes

50¢ OFF LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray

50¢ OFF LYSOL® All Purpose Cleaner Pourable

50¢ OFF LYSOL® All Purpose Cleaner Trigger

50¢ OFF LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray To Go

50¢ OFF LYSOL® Bathroom Cleaner

50¢ OFF LYSOL® Toilet Bowl Cleaners

50¢ OFF LYSOL® Antibacterial Kitchen Cleaner

New (Surprising) Place to find Printable Coupons

I like to be able to check the weather easily, so I downloaded the free desktop application from The Weather Channel.  It is very handy to have on my computer (I had to go re-download it since I got my laptop back).  It is free because there is a side box that has advertisements.  Recently, the some of the advertisements have been for brands offering printable coupons.  Today I was able to print a coupon for $0.75/1 Ball Park Angus Beef Product.  So, this might be something you would like to check into.

Aldi Deals 5/12-5/18

Pineapple                                  $0.99
Strawberries                             $0.99/lb
Cantaloupe                               $0.99
Large Avocados                       $0.39
Bananas                                   $0.39/lb.

Although not advertised, I have consistently found them to have milk for $1.79/gallon, eggs for $0.89/dozen and bread for $0.69/loaf.  Those are the things I need to go get this week. =)

My Tom Thumb Trip #2

Yesterday afternoon my husband informed me that he was going to need a few for cake mixes before the end of the school year.  Since it was the last day of that great Betty Crocker buy 2 get 3 free deal at Tom Thumb, I decided to make another quick trip over there, and I picked up a few more things that I had coupons for while I was there too.  Here's what I came home with:

Total Shelf Price:  $64.28
Sale Price:  $33.70
Price Paid After Coupons:  $14.67
Savings  77%

In The Mail

Here are a few things that came in the mail on Monday.  I also got the full sized Dove conditioner and sample packs that I told you about here.

If you are a friend nearby and would like one of these, let me know.  They are a little too bulky to mail.  Sorry =(

Got My Laptop Back

I am happy to say that I got my laptop back yesterday.  =)

I have some family coming to visit for my daughter's 4th birthday, so the posts may still be a little bit slow, but I hope to be back up to speed soon.

Monday, May 10, 2010

More Free Kindle Downloads

A Proper Pursuit

save $14.99

Prayer: Does it Make any Difference?

save $17.99

Sheet Music

save $14.99

The Joy of Pregnancy

Save $14.95

Several New Free Samples Available from Walmart

There are several new free samples available from

Here's what they have available right now:

John Freida Root Awakening

Dove Ultimate Beauty Care Deoderant

Secret Clinical Strength Deoderant

Parent's Choice Formula

Eucerin® Daily Skin Balance Body Lotion

Old Spice® Odor Blocker


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