Monday, August 30, 2010

Ronzoni Coupons

Click here, here, and here to find a few coupons for different varieties of Ronzoni Pasta.  Check all three boxes before submitting and each will print on a separate page.  Click the back button and three more will print.  These often go on sale for $1 and rumor has it they will be at Kroger this week, so I'm very excited about that.

GREAT Deal on Popular Science Magazine--I Just had to Order This For My Husband

If you know me, then you know my husband is physics teacher/science geek.  So when I saw this deal on one of his favorite magazines that he wishes we could subscribe to, I just could not pass it up (especially since I paid with Swagbucks!)  Here's the deal:  Right now at Amazon you can get a 2 year subscription to Popular Science for only $12 (normally $94).  That's only $0.50/issue!  Incidentally, that is the same price they are charging at the moment for a 1 year subscription, so you can think of it as "Buy One Year, Get One FREE"   There seem to be several magazines that are two years for the price of one right now, so look around and see if your favorite is.  Sadly, All You is not one of them, althought I highly suggest subscribing to that one, too! =)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Couple New Things

Hey guys!  I've spent some time tonight working on the blog and I've added a couple of new features.

The first is a small button at the top that will take you to all of the articles that I've written on Helium.  If you missed my post about that, you can read it here.

The second thing is something pretty cool that I noticed on another blog tonight.  I signed up at BlogFrog, which was very quick and simple, and I added a widget to my sidebar.  If another blogger that is registered visits my site, we can all see who visited, as well as some info about their blog--you know, just in case we may want to visit their blog, too.  It will link you right to it.  The website itself is neat, too.  There are many discussion topics to read about and add to, and I found some very helpful info there.  So, if you blog and have not signed up there yet, check it out.

I'm going to try, and hopefully I will have the time, to add more and more useful info to the site soon.  Don't forget that you can print your coupons from the site, and also that I have a facebook page.  All of my blog posts also get posted there, so "like" me and they will show up in your newsfeed!

What Coupons Will Be in Tomorrow's Paper?

If you are wondering what coupons will be in tomorrow's paper, there will be three total inserts tomorrow.  A SmartSource, a RedPlum, and a Proctor & Gamble.  Here is a complete list of what you can expect, but remember that the values and coupons issued can vary by region.

My favorites are:
$1 off Gain Dish soap (if I could find it anywhere!)
Get a FREE Gilette Body Wash wyb Deoderant
$1.25/1 Barilla Tortellini (my favorite soup uses this, and I need to make some more soon)
$1/1 Quaker Oatmeal (I bet there will be a big sale on this when the weather turns cool)
$3/1 Wisk Laundry Detergent (this could be free with a good sale)

Sometimes I can't believe the luck =)

I went to Tom Thumb to get this:

I also had these:

When I got there, I noticed a sign that said if you bought a 4-pack of Frappuccino, you got this FREE:

I also remembered that I had FREE coupons for these:

So I got all of this:                                                           

For this:

My Target Trip 8/28

This is all the stuff I came home with today.  Total spent was $14.00  I was getting my husband's meds filled, and had a coupon to get a free $10 gift card with that, so the total is after I used the gift card.  The shelf price was over $75!!

I used alot of store coupons that I had printed about a month ago and they were expiring today.  (Included in those were $3 off a pair of Merona shoes, and I found a pair in my size clearanced for $4.37, so I paid only $1.37 for a nice pair of black leather sandals!)

The Ball Park hot dogs were $2.04, so after the $2 off facebook coupon I told you about, they were 4 cents each!  A friend also told me that she used her's at Wal-Mart, where they were on rollback for $2, making them free.  (Thanks, Tracy!)

I just got two new puppies, and they like to chew on everything!  So I dug out all of my dog treat coupons, many of which were BOGO, and I think I'm stocked up for a while.  They had no problems with me using a coupon for the item I was "buying" with the BOGO coupons either, so I got some great deals with those.  I paid less than $6 for all 9 packs of pet treats.  I also had BOGO coupons for the Stayfree pads and the Kikkoman.

I will also be submitting for two rebates, both for free items, not cash back.  The first is a Kikkoman rebate where you get one of three products free (a grilling brush, a grocery tote, or an apron-item chosen at random) when you buy 3 Kikkoman products.  Hurry!  This one must be purchased by August 31 and postmarked by September 15.  The second is a Band-Aid Rebate where you get a free first aid kit buy mail when you purchase 3 participating products (Neosporin and Purell also included).

So this is what I spent 2 1/2 child free hours on my Saturday morning doing.  How about you?

Friday, August 27, 2010

Interesting Site: CardPool

A friend of mine recently told me about this site called CardPool.  I've checked it out and it seems like a pretty neat place.  You can buy and sell gift cards through them.  If you purchase them, it is for a discounted amount, which varies by offer.  If you sell them one that you have they will offer you cash, or a slightly larger amount as an Amazon credit.  So, maybe your dear old Aunt that lives far far away sends you a gift card for Christmas, but the card is for someplace you've never heard of?  Problem solved!  Sell it to them.  Or maybe you want to give someone a gift card, or need to purchase something from a certain store.  Check the site first to see if they have the store you are looking for, and you will end up paying less.  Shipping is free, and they verify the amount on all cards before they are posted to the site.  The selection is constantly changing based on what cards get sold to them, so check back often.  You can sign up here if you are interested.

Check Your Email! CVS Coupon for 20% Off

I just opened up an email I had gotten from CVS, and it contained a printable coupon for 20% off your entire purchase with your Extra Care Card.  It does say that it excludes sale items, so I'm not sure how useful it might be.  It also expires on Sunday.  If you are needing something like over the counter medications, this could be useful.  You can use coupons on the non-sale items, but the 20% will be deducted from the final price after coupons, it says.

Reminder: Friday is Mega Swagbucks Day!

Just a reminder that every Friday is Mega Swagbucks Day.  This means that the amounts you can win on Friday can be much greater, so make sure to do all of your searches through Swagbucks today and always.  Swagbucks can be redeemed for great prizes or gift certificates. 

If you have not signed up with Swagbucks yet, you can do so by going here.

Top Free Kindle Book is about Saving Money!

The 1-2-3 Money Plan is available for free as a Kindle download for a limited time.  It is normally $14.99 so grab this title for FREE while you still can!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Survey Site That Has Paid Me

Survey Savvy is an internet based survey company that sends out survey invitations by email.  I get invitations regularly from them.  I may or may not qualify, but if I do I receive the payment as stated in the email.  You are able to cash out once your account reaches $10 and they will mail you a check.  If you would like to register with them and try it out, go here.  I will add this information under my making money tab as well, so you can always find it in the future.  If you sign up, let me know what you think!

Even More Printables!

Wow!  I have come across a lot of printables today!  Here are a few more I found:

$0.50 off a Cake Mate number candle   If you have a child's birthday coming up and your store doubles, then this could be free!!! They are usually around $1.

Tylenol has several offers available right now for you to choose from.  The link will take you to the offer for $2 off Tylenol Precise, an item which had a $2 CVS store coupon that could be used also.  There are other offers listed along the right hand side, so take a look.

$1.00 off any Nature's Bounty Product  This is a bricks coupon, so hit the back button and print it twice, then wait for a BOGO sale at the drug store and use them both!

Lots of Arm & Hammer Coupons

Quiznos Instant Win Game  You play on their website for a chance to win up to 5 $5 gift cards.  If you don't win (I didn't) you get to a screen  to print a coupon for money off subs of various sizes.  There is a similar game available on their facebook page

$1.00 off Buddig Deli Cuts.  Its bricks, so print twice!

French's etc!  Each tab across the top takes you to a different product category, so look around.

Ok, that's all I have for now.  (Can you tell I got a little behind on reading my emails?)  Hope there's something in all of those that you can use to save some money. =)

A Few New Printable Coupons

I found a few new printable coupons today:

On facebook you can get a coupon for $2/1 Ball Park Product.  Like them and click the coupon tab. It's a bricks coupon, so click the back button and print twice.

I also noticed a few new ones on, and you should head over there anyway, since it is the end of the month.  Coupons may be disappearing soon, so print what you want while you can.

While I was there, I noticed a few offers in the sidebar.  If you like Dr. Pepper, then you may want to print these Target stores coupons for $0.75 off 2L and $1.00 off 12 pack.

 *When I tried to print these two, it said that I had already printed them the number of times allow.  I know I haven't because I hate Dr. Pepper, so I'm not sure it they are just not offering them anymore or my computer is being screwy.  Try them and someone let me know*

Monday, August 23, 2010

Reminder: Kroger Summer of Savings Instant Win Game

I just wanted to remind everyone about Kroger's Summer of Savings Instant Win Game.  There are only 19 days left to play.  They are in the third and final phase of prizes, and everything has been reset.  If you have won in the past, you can now win again.  I've even heard that you can win more than once in the third phase.  I just played the game and won a FREE 4 pack of Angel Soft toilet tissue.  That will always come in handy. ;)  Go play, and let us know if you win anything.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

If You Are a Praying Person, Please Do

My husband is flying out of town tomorrow to be with his younger sister as she is having open heart surgery.  She was born very premature, and had a heart condition.  She had a first heart surgery at age two.  She is now 20 and the doctors recently found that she had a grossly enlarged ventricle due to a leaky mitral valve.  She had the ventricle drained last week, and Tuesday morning she is having a valve replacement done.  I just wanted to share this with anyone I could.  The more prayers for her the better. =)

Today's CVS Trip

I had a great trip to CVS today, and even more impressive is that I was in and out in 14 minutes!!  I split my orders into two transactions, so I could use the $5/$25 purchase I had, and the $5/$15 purchase that printed at the Kiosk.

Here are the two transactions that I did:

First Transaction:  Not pictured are two bottles of frappuccino that were on sale 2 for $3.   They were...consumed. =)

Shelf Price:  $44.22
Sale Price:  $29.95
Price Paid After Coupons:  $2.59  (coupons included my $5/$25 and $12 in ECB's from last time)
Also Received:  $10 in ECB's ($5 from Razor, $2 from Listerine--details:on sale for $3.99, use the $2 coupon and get $2 ECBs, and $3 from buying $10 of Glade and cleaning suppies)

Second Transaction:
I did the deal that I told you about earlier.  I also used my $3 ECB from the first transaction, so my out of pocket was $1.08, and I received $4 in ECBs.

Here is everything (minus the coffees):  Total OOP = $3.67 with $12 ECB's remaining.

Original Shelf Price was $66.19, so that is a 94% savings!

There are plenty more ECB deals to take advantage of.  What are you planning to get?  If you go this week and get some great deals, let us know about them!

Biore Coupon and Daily Instant Win Game on Facebook and CVS Deal

I just came across a new Biore Promotion on Facebook.  When you register, they say they will send you a $2 off coupon by email (got mine in about 5 minutes), but there is also a daily instant win game that you can play.  I didn't win today, but I will try again.

I wanted the Biore coupon so that I can use it for the ECB deal going on at CVS.  The ad states that you must purchase $15 worth of products including Biore ($6) and John Frieda ($5 each--and a $2 and $3 off coupon came this morning!)

My plan is to buy:
1 Biore:                            $6  
1 John Frieda Shampoo    $5
1 John Freida Conditioner $5
Total:                               $16
subtract $5/ $15 purchase coupon that printed at the kiosk =$11
Subtract $2 Biore, $3 and $2 John Freida= $4
Get back $5 ECBs

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Quick Recommendation: Pre-K Workbooks

This week I've started working through some preschool workbooks that I got for my 4 year old daughter (I got the Kindergarten one's too because I know she will breeze through these).  She is absolutely loving them.  We work on them during her sister's nap time, and she has told me that I need to put her to bed so we could do her books.   I got them on Amazon with some credits my husband had from participating in a focus group. (He had forgotten all about it and found them by accident the week before they expired!)

They are both separated by sections making it easy to pick several different activities per day.  The pages are quick and easy to complete, and while being content that she has known for a long time(which is good for her because she get frustrated easily when she doesnt know how to do something), alot of it focuses on writing preparation.

Here they are in case you'd like to check them out:

The Brain Quest company also makes sets of flashcard games.  I've not tried these but I'm thinking about getting some for my younger daughter.

Something New I'm Trying

I have been scouring the web lately in search of legitimate work at home opportunities that do not cost me money up front and do not involve me trying to convince anybody to buy anything.  You see, I'm just not the selling things to people type.  But the reason I've been looking is because my husband, who is a teacher, had an evening position teaching credit recovery classes through his school district last year.  Actually, he was let go from that position at the end of February, but started getting called in to sub, and was actually there every single night in April (he only worked two nights a week while he was on the payroll!).  The evening school has had to cut back on full time positions, so the one he thought would be opening up-the one he was considering accepting-is getting cut too.  It's not like he's getting fired, but we are unsure how we will manage on only his day salary.

All that being said, I still know that he will get called in to sub on occasion, but I know it would help if I were able to supplement our income.  However, we've decided that me getting a traditional job in the evenings would not be of any help to him, because then he would be babysitting and not able to make his lesson plans.  I also may not be able to keep up with my couponing and save us so much on groceries!  That could cost us more than I would be making.

Now I'm a former science teacher myself, and I plan on trying to get a few evening tutoring sessions.  But, I have been intrigued by some websites I have found recently where you can get paid to write articles.  Now, it is very possible that I'm just way behind the times and everyone knows about this sort of thing but me.  (If that is the case, please email me and let me know what has worked out best for you!)  If this is news to you, then maybe you might be interested in this, too, so I thought I would throw it out there.

I came across several different sites, all having varying degrees of sign up processes.  Some you must apply and submit writing samples to, and I intend to do so soon.  I found one, however, with a very simple sign up process, and no writing samples needed--although that is painfully apparent reading through some of them =(...

This site is called Helium.  You can go check it out, if you would like.  If you've not heard about it and would like to give it a try, I would appreciate if you would send me your email address.  I can send you an email request through their site, and that is the only way I can get credit for referrals.
The site works like this:  You search through existing topics, and you find one you would like to write about.  Write it in Word.  Paste it in the form and submit it.  If there are other articles in the same category, they will be asked to be rated at random by members.  The more articles you have and the higher ranking you have can earn you stars.  The more stars you have the more you can earn per article up front.  You also can earn ad revenue on page hits, and this is the thing I like most about it because this is an ongoing thing that requires no extra effort on your part.

Now, please understand that I am not yet in a position to recommend this as a good and worthwhile site, as I've only been using it for 4 days and I've only written 3 articles.  They have earned more and more ad revenue each day, and I've now got a grand total of 26 cents sitting in my account!  If I get a star by the day they count up payments, then I should get a small amount per article as well.  I will certainly keep you posted about it how it is going.

If you would like to check out my articles you can visit my profile page here.  There is one in particular that may be of interest to you all.  That one is about how to organize coupons.   This is a topic I've been wanting to post on here, but have lacked time.  There are 8 total articles in that category so you can look through some of them while you are there as well, if you are interested.  Everyone has different ideas, so you may learn lots of new things!

I'm not expecting very much from this, but I find it kind of fun, and who may pay off much better than I thought.

Have any of you ever worked from home?  What did you do and was it worth it?  Leave a comment, and a link if possible, so we can all learn about more opportunities that exist.

Today's Kroger Trip

Total Shelf Price:  $70.15
Sale Price:  $44.43
After Mega Sale Deducted $12:  $32.43
Total Paid After Coupons (Including a $3.50 Catalina from last week):  $13.60

The two boxes of taco shells were half price, at just $0.99 on the sale.  There was a e-coupon for $0.60/2 boxes so I got them for $0.70/box, and both boxes had a peelie (see that pink sticker?) for a free Old El Paso seasoning when you bought two of the shells.

The cashier only took $0.50 off for each BOGO Sobe coupon, so I paid a quarter for each instead of getting them free, but thats still a great deal, considering they could have winning codes under their caps.

The Hot Pockets Sideshots that I told you about were included in the sale, so I got them for just $0.49/box.

I used two Hefty coupons that I told you about earlier, and two $1/3 Sunny D coupons, which made them about $0.46/bottle, and I used this $0.40/1 Country Crock coupon to get the butter for $0.20 each. (I used two computers and printed it four times, and I had one from All You magazine)

This past Sunday there were $0.35/1 coupons in Red Plum for both the Purex and the Dial soap.  If your Kroger triples that value like mine does, then the Dial (on sale for $1) is free and the Purex ($1.99) is under $1.  There was also the Purex Natural Elements printable I told you about.

I think that about covers it.  I try to break down my purchases for you so you can see how I did.  If something is ever unclear please feel free to ask.

New Hefty Coupon=$0.50 One Zip Bags at Kroger

I was making my list to go to Kroger and noticed that they had Hefty One Zip Bags on sale for $1.  I just ran on of bags, so I went searching for a coupon, and I found one available on their facebook page for $1 any 2 packages of Hefty One Zip.  Buy two packs and get them for $0.50 each right now at Kroger.  They often go on sale for that price elsewhere as well.    Ok, back to making my list.  Just had to share that. =)

I few shopping trips from last week (sorry so late!)

This one was from Tom Thumb.  I seem to have misplaced the receipt, but I paid around $4 for all of this.  It was almost $15 before coupons.

This was also from Tom Thumb.  I went back on the weekend because the cake mix was only only sale for the weekend.  I got a second handsoap in a second trip because Tom Thumb will only double or triple one like coupon per order, so I saved my second coupon for when I went back.

Total Shelf Price:  $19.52
Sale Price:  $11.09
Total Paid After Coupons:  $5.06   (74% Savings)

This was my very large trip to Kroger last week.  The big Mega Sale (buy 8 participating products and save $4 or $0.50 each--lots of stuff to choose from) is still going on at least through Tuesday, could be another week even, so I'm planing another smaller trip soon.

Total Shelf Price:  $122.16
Sale Price Before Mega Sale Deductions:  $88.31
I bought 5 sets of 8 so $20 deducted:  $68.31
Total paid after coupons:  $28.08  (77% savings)  plus I received a $3.50 Catalina for buying 5 Nature Valley granola bars

A few things to note about this trip:

  • The Gerber Yogurt Blends deal that I told you about--it did have the rebate peelie on it.  It cost $2.60, I used my $1.50/1 coupon that had printed at the Catalina machine and paid only $1.10 for it.  That's only 27 1/2 cents per cup...not a bad price for yogurt, and I will get the entire $2.60 back as a rebate.
  • $0.50/1 coupons abound (printables and in the newspaper inserts) for the Chex and Ghardettos.  Once they double, it makes these free since their sale price is $0.99 when you buy in multiples of 8.
  • For the Sobe's, I used a BOGO coupon that I got from playing the Heads or Tails instant win game.  You do not need a code to play and you can play daily, and can print twice each time you win.  The Sobe's were $1 sale price, but $0.50 after the Mega promotion deducted.  When the coupon is redeemed, the whole $1 sale price should get deducted, so that makes them both free.  One of mine had a winning code under the cap and I am awaiting a FREE coupon by mail.  I've also won two more times, so I have 4 more coupons printed with which I intend to get 8 more free Sobe's.
  • If you are in Texas, the Progresso Catalina is not working here.  I emailed them when I did not get my coupon, and they told me my store was not running that one. =(  Still an amazing price for the soup.  $1.19/can -$0.50/2 coupon doubled= $0.69/can!

Friday, August 20, 2010

New Listerine Coupons Available and CVS deal

There are several new coupons for Listerine available here.  One of them is for $2 off the New Listerine Zero.  I have read several reports throughout the day that this product will be on Extra Buck promotion starting Sunday at CVS, where this coupon and the ECBs will make it essentially free.  (I haven't seen an ad so, that's about as detailed as I know for certain.)

Every Friday is Mega Swagbucks Day

Just a reminder that every Friday is Mega Swagbucks Day.  This means that the amounts you can win on Friday can be much greater, so make sure to do all of your searches through Swagbucks today and always.  Swagbucks can be redeemed for great prizes or gift certificates. 

If you have not signed up with Swagbucks yet, you can do so by going here.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

$5 off $25 at CVS

Check your email account that you have your CVS card registered with.  I just received an email containing a printable coupon for $5 off a $25 in store purchase.  It is only valid through Sunday, so if you have not yet been this week and plan to, this is a bonus.  If you are waiting to see what next week's ad has in store, be sure to do your shopping right away so this one doesn't expire!

If you do not have a CVS card, or do not have it registered online, you can register your card or request a card at  When you sign up for their emails, you should receive a coupon of this sort with the first email you receive from them.  These coupons are a great way to get started using Extra Bucks at CVS as they can lower your initial out of pocket expenses.  Always had these over to the cashier first before handing other coupons over to make sure your total still meets the minimum required to use the coupon.

Printable Coupons: Red Baron and Dannon

There is a new coupon available for $1 off any one Red Baron Pan Pizza or Pan Pasta product.

There is also a new coupon available on the Dannon Yogurt facebook page for $1 off any Light and Fit 4-pack or six single cups.

Monday, August 16, 2010

New E-Coupons at

There are some new e-coupons available at  Alot of them are for items that are included with current Kroger Mega Sale, that will continue for at least another week, so load them to your card while you can!

Free Kindle Book Downloads from Amazon

Ok, you can call me a nerd, but I used to be a science teacher, and this book sounds really interesting to me.  It is normally $20, but is being offered as a free Kindle download here.  That makes it even more exciting to me. =)  If this one doesn't interest you, there are many, many free Kindle books to choose from.  You can check out the bestsellers list and choose the ones you like.  If you don't have a Kindle, you can download a free Kindle app for a variety of computers/cell phones.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

New Quaker State Rebate

If your car is in desperate need of an oil change, like my van is, then this might be the offer for you!  If you, or your spouse, usually changes your own oil, then you may want to head over here!  Find out how you can receive up to $10 back by mail on the purchase of select Quaker State motor oils.

New Hot Pockets Coupon on Facebook

Head over to the Hot Pockets Facebook page and "like" them to print a coupon for $1 their new Side Shots product.  I've seen these go on sale for less than $2, so this should be a great deal if you've been wanting to try them, like me.  Thanks Moms Need to Know!

While you are one facebook, be sure to "like" my page, too.  Yesterday, my blog page was not loading, so I posted a couple of things on facebook, which is super easy.  Stop by and leave me a comment anytime. =)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

8/8--My CVS and Albertson's Trip


Shelf Price:  $50.95
Sale Price:   $41.95
Price After Coupons:  $31.95
Price after $15 ECB's: 16.95 +tax  (67% savings)  --this was less than the sale price of just the medicine!
I had about $17 remaining on a gift card from a prescription transfer, so after that I paid just $0.43 and I got back $12 ECB's ($5 from the meds, $3 from Huggies, and $4 from Razor)--Plus I am going to submit the Schick Rebate I told you about to get the full $8.97 cost of the razor back, making this a big moneymaker!  Hurry!  It must be purchased by 8/18 and received by 9/1.


Total Shelf Price:  $67.24--4 yogurts not pictured
Sale Price:  $41.70
Total Paid After Coupons:  $15.47  (77% savings)

A few things to note:  I told you about the ConAgra Rebate-purchase $10 receive $25 worth of coupons.  Well, I had forgotten about it too, until I noticed that Albertson's and Tom Thumb were both having a sale on their products, then I remembered about it and realized that the purchases have to be made by 8/15 and it must be mailed by 9/1--I'll be getting those ready to mail later.

So at Albertson's the products are all 10 for $10--be careful because some included do not count toward the rebate.  When you buy 10, you get three free (basically buy 13 and $3 will be deducted at the register).  Tom Thumb has a similar 10 for $10 sale with an in-ad *manufacturer* coupon to get $3 off when you buy 10 products.  I clipped it and took it over to Albertson's and the self check out accepted it with no issues.

Also, if you decide to do this, check the sale ad rack at the front door.  I picked up a paper full of *manufacturer* coupons (you can use these anywhere), and the one on the very bottom right said "Get FREE fruit snacks when you buy 5 Hunts products."  Woohoo!  I was already planning to do that!

All said, I think I had a pretty good shopping trip!  I hope you guys are all getting great deals too.  I would love to hear about them.

A Few New Printables and Where to Use Them

I am planning some more shopping trips--we ran out of everything before our trip and my husband is home for one more week before school starts up so I'm going to be a shopping fool.  Anyways, as I was looking over the current and future sale prices, I came across some pretty great coupons to match up with sale prices.

$1.00/1 Jimmy Dean Sausage product for becoming a fan on facebook.

I am going to use this at Albertson's momentarily.  They are on sale 4 for $10, and when you buy 4 you automatically get $3 deducted (must have store coupon found on front page of ad).  Use 4 of these (if you have 2 computers, hit the back button and print twice on each) or there are some in the 6/13 Red Plum-amount off varies by region.  I have both $2/2 and $1/2.  Depending on which of these you have, you will end up paying $0.75-$1.00/ sausage roll.

$1.00/2 Tony's frozen pizza products (not a bricks, so only 1 print per computer)

I'm going to pick up a couple of these at Albertson's also.  They are on sale for $0.79 each until Tuesday.

$0.35/1 Purex Natural Elements

This is a great one to print as many as you can and hold on to for next week.  It will be on sale at Kroger for the Mega event they will be having.  Saving Money Wisely has all the details-her's starts tomorrow, but it will not begin until Wednesday around here.  If you buy in the correct number of multiples for the sale event, this item will be just $1.99.  The coupon will triple at my store, it may double elsewhere, but you can get detergent for as little as $0.95.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Shopping Trips 8/7

When I first glanced at the grocery ads this week, I wasn't very impressed.  I didn't think that I was going to hit any of the stores, but today I decided to make a trip to Tom Thumb for cheese and cheap raspberries, and I needed a few things from Aldi as well.  I also ran into the 99 Cents Only store in search of bell peppers for our fajitas tonight.  Well, I ended buying a lot more stuff than I intended to, but it was because I found some insanely good prices.

At Tom Thumb:

I had separated this into two transactions because I had heard that a $5 off your next order Catalina coupon would print when you bought 5 Kraft cheese, but alas it did not. =(  The cheese was part of the buy 5 save $5 promotion, and was just $1.99 when you bought 5, and then I found this $1/1 Deli Deluxe Coupon that made them just $0.99 each--hit the back button and print twice.  I used three computers to get enough.  Today and tomorrow only, the raspberries are $0.99 (limit 4) and the corn is 5 for $1.  I had intended for the second transaction to be free, but I still paid just $9.91 for $41.86 worth of groceries--76% savings!

99 Cents Only:
Paid $7.16 total.

Total paid:  $39.21

For anyone in the Dallas area:  milk is currently $1.19/gallon (when I was visiting family in Louisiana it cost $4.29 there!!!), sugar is currently $0.99/4lb bag--last I saw it there was $1.79--so I stocked up.

Total spent today: $56.28

In the Mail

Today I got my Proctor and Gamble Brandsampler box in the mail that had a couple samples (Prilosec and Head and Shoulders) and several coupons.  The company has consolidated all of their sample and coupon offers into one large package that is mailed out.  You can pick as many of the available offers as interest you and they will be put into the box for you.  You can sign up to get your own here.  They are mailed out quarterly, so check back every few months--if you are too early the site will let you know (I can request another one on October 1st it says).  I also randomly got a coupon for a free pair of panties from Victoria's if only I ever got to the mall.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Sample of Nature's Bounty Adult Gummy Vitamins

Click here to request a sample packet of new Nature's Bounty Adult Gummy Multi-Vitamins.

Thanks Common Sense with Money

New E-Coupons on Kroger site

I was just at, and noticed that there were ALOT--like 6 pages--of ecoupons available to load to your shopper card.  Go to the "In Stores" tab at the top, select coupons, and you will see the link that will take you to them.

Please note:  The fine print says that only 150 can be loaded to your card, and I believe this includes cellfire and shortcuts coupons too, so only select coupons you think you will use.  You don't want to get to cellfire next week and see a really good one that matches up with a sale only to be told that no more coupons can be loaded on your has happened to me =(

Possible Gerber Yogurt Blends Money Maker at Kroger

When I was at Kroger today, the Catalina machine printed this out for me:

I have been wanting to try these for my daughter, and I have seen packages of them on the shelves at Wal-Mart while I was on vacation that had a "Try me Free After Rebate" sticker plastered to the front.  I did not have to time investigate today, but if the ones at Kroger have this same offer on them, this could end up making you $1.50 after rebate.  Has anyone seen the rebates on these at Kroger?  

These coupons might be printing out at other grocery stores as well, so be on the lookout.  Also, even if you don't get one of these, keep an eye out for those rebate stickers if you want to try this product.

It started off a frugal day...and then there I was, couponless in Target.

It started off an ordinary summer day.  My husband, who teaches, has one more week home with us before his meetings start up.  This morning he decided to whip us up some French toast.  It's one of our favorites.  Then, I remembered that the Just Between Friends consignment sale was going on right now.  

If you are in the Dallas area, it is being held at the Resistol Rodeo Arena in Mesquite.  If you live elsewhere, check the link to see if they are having one near you.  This event is huge!  They do it twice a year, and it is totally used baby/child gear/maternity clothes/anything kid-related that you could ever think of.  I have gotten several Halloween outfits for my older daughter there, so I decided we should go check it out.

I did not have any luck with the costumes, and since they both just had birthdays on top of a family visit, gifts of new clothing were plentiful, so there wasn't much we needed.  I did come across a cute sweater for my 4 year old daughter.  She had gotten several summer dresses, so this will match nicely with them when the weather gets cooler.  It looks brand new, and only cost me $4.  I also got her some slippers, as you can see. 

When we left there, it was lunch time, but my husband needed some new work pants, so we decided to go look a few places while we were out, so we got fast food which ended up costing $16.  I cringed handing the money over, but it is not a common occurrence for us anymore.

After lunch, we went to three places looking for khakis:  Old Navy, Marshall's, and Target.  We lucked up at Marshall's, finding a $40 pair of pants on the clearance rack marked down to just $10.
In fact, they had more clothes clearanced than not, it seemed.  So, if you are looking for something specific and have a Marshall's nearby, it might be a good place to check out.  This was definitely a great find.

On to Target, where we had no luck on pants, but while we were there my husband recalled that they had their 1-subject notebooks on sale for just $0.15 each.  He has a lot of students who can't afford supplies, so he bought 100 of these.  The manager was more than happy to bring him out two whole cases from the back.

I'm glad he was able to snag this great price and stock up on some notebooks for his kids in need, but I was also beating myself up for not having my coupons with me (or even organized in general!).  There are always great deals to be had at Target--especially when you stack manufacturer coupons with their store coupons-- and I had just said yesterday that I needed to get my stuff together and make a trip over to one.  *sigh*  Oh well, I guess you can't be prepared for an unplanned trip all the time.  But to make matters worse, we passed right by Kroger on the way home, and I knew they had shredded cheese on sale, and we were out.  So my husband let me run in there to get some cheese, so twice today I found myself lamenting my lack of coupons. Sad, I know.  Am I just pathetic, or would you guys feel the same way?

I've completely gotten over it, and I'm happy about the deals that we did get today.  My plans for the evening?  Work on getting these coupons in order.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Free Sample of Splenda For Coffee

Splenda is currently offering two free samples of their new Splenda For Coffee Flavors.  You can choose from either hazelnut or mocha (my favorite..yum!), and you will receive two flavor sticks by mail.  Go here to request yours!

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