Free Sample Round-up
Here are a few free samples available now:
Here are a few free samples available now:
I love to read, and I've been in the mood to read lately. I have been checking through the free Kindle downloads at Amazon pretty regularly, but there has not been much new that has been of interest to me. I've begun to overlook the ones that are always there, searching for something fresh, but with Halloween approaching, I thought that some of the always free classics were quite fitting. Here are a few spooky favorites that you can download and (re)read for free.
There was not much in my mailbox today, but there was one very exciting and unexpected piece of mail:
I spent most of the morning putting together my shopping list for Kroger. Today was the last day of the sale ad, so I wanted to make sure I didn't miss out on anything. I usually wait until my husband gets home and go shopping by myself, but he has meetings today and a new evening tutoring job tonight, so I hurried so that I could make sure I got to the store with both kids before the crowds got there after work. I am not a fan of crowds, especially with two small children.
On Friday, all of this came in the mail:
I finally got my coupons back into some sort of order and I made a trip to Tom Thumb this afternoon. Here is what I came home with:
This morning I woke up early. I thought that I could get a lot of stuff done around the house this morning while my husband was tutoring kids. Then, I stepped outside to walk the dogs on this gorgeous fall day, and I decided that being stuck inside the house would be almost criminal. Plus, I really didn't want to mop...
Here are all the goodies I got in the mail after the long holiday weekend:
Hey guys, I posted This on The facebook page, but I Wanted To let You guys know That if You don't hear from me for a while it is because last night while I was fixing a glass of water for my poor sick husband, my baby took it upon herself To climb into my desk chair and knock over My water unto my laptop. Luckily, the thing still functions, but The keyboard is doing some crazy things, like randomly capitalizing words, as you can see. So, until I figure out what to do About This, Since i do not think my warranty covers water damage, I won't be posting much because this is annoying as heck to try To read and almost impossible for me to fix. Plus my shift keys are acting Like Arrow keys so i can't put any of The symbols where i want Them. *sigh *
Read more...I was able to request a new P&G BrandSampler pack today. This time they are offering samples for Always, Tampax, Tide, and some coupons for Tide and Febreeze. Click the link above to see if you are able to request them too. I love getting these because they all come together in one box, so it saves on packaging, and its so exciting to get so many samples at one time.
*Note* A person is only able to request samples from this site once every three months. If it has been less than that since you last requested a sampler pack, the site will tell you when you are able to return and request another one.
I went to CVS today to use my $5/$30 coupon that expired today. I must admit that I am way behind on organizing my coupons, but that didn't matter at all for today's trip. All the coupons I needed came this morning or were printed yesterday! If you are just getting started on couponing, or want to get started shopping at CVS, this would be a great week to do it. Here is what I picked up:
I just got an email from CVS containing a coupon for $5 off a $30 purchase. It is good until Sunday 10/10, so be sure to print yours!
You can get a look at what will be in next week's ad here. There are some pretty good Extra Bucks deals including free toothpaste and cheap oatmeal, soap, and makeup. Have a look so you can prepare!
All of the E-coupon sites have new E-coupons available! Click the links below to load up yours now!
U-Promise Note* It says their systems is currently updating, so check back later.
Proctor and Gamble
If you have a Kroger, they have their own e-coupons on their website too, and I've found that I can load the P&G ones from there as well. Go here to check that out.
Well, I went back to Tom Thumb tonight armed with coupons to do some of those Catalina deals that I told you about earlier. However, when I checked out the coupon printer was blinking error and the two coupons that I should have gotten did not print. This happened once before, and I emailed the Catalina company about it. They responded very quickly and mailed my coupon to me within 2 weeks. I am sure that will happen again, so I'm not too upset about it.
There are a few pretty awesome Kindle books available for FREE right now for a limited time:
Click here to request a free sample of Wisk detergent from Costco. You do NOT have to be a member!
Read more...On my trip to Tom Thumb yesterday, a few Catalina notifications printed out at the register. Here are the details
Nature Valley Granola Bars:
valid 10/4-10/31
Buy 3, get $1.50
Buy 4, get $2.50
Buy 5 or more, get $3.50
Betty Crocker Frosting Tubs
valid 10/4-10/31
Buy 2, Get $1
Buy 3, Get $2
Buy 4 or more, Get $3
General Mills Fruit Snacks (Gushes, shapes, Fruit by the Foot, Roll-Ups, Stickers)
valid 10/4-10/31
Buy 3, Get $1
Buy 4, Get $2
Buy 5 or more, Get $3
There was also one going on yesterday for Pillsbury. I do not know the details of it, but I bought 4 cans of Grands biscuits, and I got a $3 coupon when I checked out, so i'm not complaining. If anyone knows the details of this one, let us know in the comments. Thanks!
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Saving Myself Silly"><img src="" alt="Saving Myself Silly" style="border:none;" /></a></div>